The podium

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Formation lap. Y/n looked at her father, hoping the best for Max and Red Bull. It was y/n's first race as track engineer, she was shaking and her heart was beating very fast she could feel it in her throat.
The race begun and she could manage everything perfectly, the pit stops were fast and on point, in fact Max was leading, Charles and Carlos were behind him and there were just three laps before the end of the race. But suddenly Max slowed. 

"What's happening?" Max asked trough the team radio.
Y/n was totally panicking, she checked all the datas, all the display above her, she looked at her father doing the same thing, than she saw a problem.
"You have a problem with the brake, Max!" 
"The car is undriveable" said Max loud and angry.
"I know, Max, try to slowly come into the box now, I'm sorry" Y/n looked at her father, she felt all his disappointment in his eyes and for a moment, she felt like she was going to cry, but she didn't, not in front of him, not now.
Christian looked down and nodded his head, than looked at her without saying a word. They looked at eachother, than y/n left while Checo engineer and all the mechanics tried to comfort her. Everybody came to her, saying nice words to cheer her up and saying to don't worry about it, but she knew she failed. She wasn't supposed to, but she failed.

Later Max arrived and came close to Christian, who told him something she could't hear than he came to y/n.
"I'm sorry Max, I wasn't able to manage it and now your race is over, I..." she tried once again to hold her tears.
"It's okay, we have to work harder for next week"  his words were nice but somehow they sounded very hard on herself. 
Y/n and Max saw the final laps of the race in the mechanics area, there were a lot of cameras around them and she tried to look away from them, focusing only on the race.
Charles won the grand prix and Carlos took second place, y/n smiled watching him crossing the finish line and clapped while Max looked at y/n, she could feel his anger.

Right after, y/n decided to go under the podium to see the guys celebrating the victory, so she left the boxes but Max held her hand and stopped her.
"Where are you going?" he was looking at her, almost begging her to stay, he knew what she was going to do.
"I want to see the podium" she said directly. She really wanted to see Carlos holding the cup, even if Red Bull lost, even if Max didn't finish the race, even if it was her fault.
"You're part of Red Bull, it would be inappropriate, don't you think?" he was trying so hard to convince her to stay with him right when he needed the most, during the podium he wanted to win.
"I think that talking about what I want to do it's inappropriate, Max" y/n get rid of Max's hand and walked untill she reached the podium. It was very crouded down there but she was tiny and could sneak trough Ferrari mechanics to see the award ceremony.

First, came out Lando, who get the third place, than Carlos appeared. He reached the second step and somebody gave him a cup. He smiled to the screaming crowd while y/n was just looking at him, smiling. Suddenly, while he was waving at the mechanics during the national anthem, his eyes saw y/n. Carlos looked very surprized but his gaze to her was so sexy and strong that she almost managed to look at him, she felt like she was turning red on her face, she felt very hot. At the end of the Italian anthem, he winked at her and smiled before getting flooded by champagne. In fact, Charles saw Carlos who was totally distracted by something and decided to spray his entire champagne bottle on him, after that Carlos did the same on Charles. 

Y/n decided it was time to come back to the Red Bull area and face all the consequences, but on her way, she thought about the telephone number Carlos wrote her and decided to text him. She stopped in the middle of the paddock while a lot of people walked beside her. Y/n looked at her phone but she didn't write anything, she didn't know what to write, actually. Everytime she wrote something, she deleted it immediately, it was too confidential, it was too formal, she was about to give up than she decided just to congratulate with him.

Congratulation, Carlos. You deserved it.

She looked at the text hundred times than she closed her eyes and sent the message. Her heart was beating fast, once again so she decided to put her phone on her trousers pocket, he would't have answer her, not untill the next day. Even if she hoped he answered soon, she knew he was busy with the interviews and stuff like that, plus she was convinced he wouldn't have answer at all. She went to the Red Bull area and saw Checo and Max chatting, while her father was talking with other menagement people, she felt guilty again.

Than her phone vibrated inside her pocket and she took it. It could have been anyone from her family or friends, but she saw his name on the screen.

Carlos: Meet me behind the podium. I'm already here.

She gasped for a second, suddenly her hands were sweating and her heart definitely stopped. She felt, once again, like a teenage girl in high school and the fact he said he was waiting for her in a hidden zone of the circuit, excited her a lot.
While y/n was leaving the Red Bull garages, Christian saw her, he knew exactly what she was doing and it made him get very angry. He had to do something to stop this teenager attitude.

When she arrived behind the podium, she saw Carlos sitting on the floor looking at his phone, she cleared her throat to get his attention. He was still wearing his suit from the race but the upper side was tied on the waist, as usual. He immediately looked at her and smiled while he stood up. They looked at each other and she hugged him; in the same moment she moved, she regret it like she did something stupid and unnecessary but he hugged her back, holding her back very tight. She felt his arms around her and she froze for a second. 
His hands were very strong and she felt like he was waiting for this moment, just like her. He was sweaty and his body was very hot but she didn't want to leave from his arms.

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