Ferrari boy

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Y/n felt Carlos heart beating very fast but she thought it was because of the big effort of the race, her own heart was beating fast because of him instead."Your dad is gonna be mad at you because of this, lady" Carlos said, moving away from her arms. His gaze was at the same time charming and naughty, his eyes were glowing under the lights of the circuit."you're right, in fact, I just came here to say hello" y/n was trying to imitate his attitude, but he was much better than her. "so, congratulations. See you next week maybe" then she stepped back like she was going back to the Red Bull zone but he didn't want to. He pulled her back to him, grabbing her waist with both hands with a slow but strong movement."I know you don't want to go" Carlos said almost whispering. They were very close and they looked at each other in silence. She was barely breathing looking at his big and soft lips."For real, Carlos. I have to, I'm sure my father is looking over me right now" while she was saying that, she didn't move at all, keeping on looking at his lips.It seemed like they were going to kiss, he was very close to her, looking at her lips too, and pulling her closer to him, but suddenly Carlos said:"come with me""what? Where?" y/n was still hooked at his lips and that sentence distracted her."you only go out with Red Bull guys?" he asked with that curious expression."No I don't" she said annoyed as he knew about Max flirting with her."Ferrari boys are better" his words sounded so deep that y/n couldn't answer, she hadn't the voice to do it."I'm gonna have a quick shower and then we can go, okay?" he cut off shortly. "You can stay in the Ferrari hospitality if you don't want to come back to Red Bull zone" his voice sounded calm and it was like he had planned everything. She just nodded her head yes and followed to the Ferrari hospitality. They walked side by side together as a strange and improbable couple. A lot of people waved and congratulated him, he waved them back smiling. Y/n felt uncomfortable walking beside him and she was very afraid of bumping into her father or Max on the way.He looked at her for a moment, probably smiling but she wasn't sure about that, she kept on walking looking around her. They didn't talk until they reached the hospitality."you can sit here if you want" he said pointing at a red couch near the bar "I'll come back in a moment". He walked away making a little run. She saw him and smiled."Hey!" a known voice saluted y/n. It was Charles as usual, but this time he was together with a girl."hey!" y/n stood up in front of them."This is my girlfriend""nice to meet you, I'm Charlotte" she said with an angelic voice. She was shorter than Charles, with brown hair, brown eyes and a sweet smile."nice to meet you, I'm Y/n""I saw you in the crown down the podium" said Charles smiling, he knew what was going on there."Yeah... I was just...""Don't worry, my boyfriend is a gossip guy, he can't help" said Charlotte trying to don't make you feel observed. Y/n smiled at her.They started talking about the race and how difficult was for her to manage Max's car issue. Y/n felt very comfortable with both of them, like she has known them since always. After a couple of minutes, Carlos joined the company. Y/n looked at him, his hair was still wet and messy, he was wearing a white sweater with a black Ferrari logo and a pair of jeans."We have to go" Charlotte said almost in a rush pushing Charles away. They smiled and said goodbye. Y/n and Carlos were alone and he bent his head like he wanted to say to y/n it was time for them to go.She followed him until they reached the parking lot where Carlos' car was. He opened it and she entered the car. She has never been inside a Ferrari even if it was her favorite car ever; she sat on the passenger seat and looked around like a curious child. The interior of the car was made of leather black and it smelled of Carlos perfume. It was strong and penetrating, she felt it inside her body. He entered the car as well and turned the engine on. The roar of the car was music for y/n's ears and she smiled unconsciously. A big display turned on and Carlos connected his phone to the car, then he moved away from the parking, looking at the rearview to maneuver. She looked at him in silence, his hands were strong and his movements were fluid like it was the easiest thing in the world, and probably for him it was like that.A little crowd was waiting for him at the exit of the circuit, he stopped for a moment to sign some autographs then he closed his window and drove away from them. Y/n tried to look away from the Ferrari Tifosi, she was afraid they would have said something about them, but they almost ignored her."I'm sorry for Max's engine, what happened to it?" he asked driving somewhere y/n didn't know."It was a problem with the break. I couldn't do almost nothing so it was safer for him to retire" she said looking at him. The lights of the road made his hair shiny and she could see his perfectly shaved face. His gaze was focused on the road and she imagined that maybe he looked like this when he drove his F1 car."Oh, I see. It's a common problem" his fingers were tapping the wheel while they pressed the button of the transmission."Yeah... But this was my first race, I didn't want it to end like that" y/n said looking at the street."It wasn't your fault, cmon. You can't blame yourself for this" the tone of his voice was soft and comforting. It was the first time somebody very close to her said something nice about her mistake. She smiled but Carlos didn't notice, he was fixing his hair with his left hand, while the other was stuck on the steering wheel. He pulled back his black and wet tuft with a slow and sexy movement, while his face moved up and his mouth opened a bit. She was barely breathing looking at this scene and she figured out she had a weakness for his hair. Suddenly he saw her from the corner of his eyes."Why are you looking at me?" asked Carlos with a complacency tone"I'm not looking at you, Carlos. Why are YOU looking at me?" she was trying so desperately to turn tables, but it wasn't successful. He smiled at her and with his right index finger tickled her for a moment. 

"How dare you?" She looked at him with an angry face. He giggled looking at her for a moment, then he looked back to the road. 
"You should thank the fact you're driving and I cannot do anything" she sounded like a little child.
"Yes, yes, yes." he said and ticked her once again.
"don't challenge me, Mr. Sainz" 
"I like to, Miss Horner."

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