The drink

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Max and y/n spent a lot of time together in the last weeks, especially after that dinner at Max's house and that confession about her and Carlos. 
They had a lot of fun together and she started looking at him in a different way, like when she saw him at Red Bull headquarters. He seemed different, but in a good way. He made her laugh and was able to let her forget her problems with her father. When she was with him, Max made her feel like everything was easier, like she could have forgotten her problems, cause they were disappeared.
At first, they only stayed together during work time, maybe having some lunch together, but then they started working late in the afternoon so they had some dinner in each other apartments. Everything felt normal and natural, there was no shame between them, and he was able to make her feel safe for the very first time in her life.
Even her father noticed it, in fact, every time they arrived at the paddock for the races, he looked at her smiling. He was very proud of her and her work and he wasn't afraid to pump her up during her job.
All this happy and safe situation, made her feel more and more comfortable, she was smiling more, started going to the paddock with Christian or with Max and the results were evident.
Max won almost every race, one after another, and y/n was always by his side, to cheer him and work with him. The strategy that they used to study during the long sessions of work together was paying off.

"I think we should use a set of used tires during the Q3 session this Saturday, what do you think?" said y/n pointing at some data on her computer. She was set in the kitchen aisle of Max's house in Monaco while he was near the fridge opening a Red Bull. He took a sip while he was nodding his head.
"Yes I was about to say the same thing" he put the can down on the aisle table and sat next to y/n crossing his arms on his chest, looking at her. She immediately looked away from him and focused on the strategy. 
"I was saying that if we do like this, we can serve a set of new tires for the race on Sunday" she was very concentrated and without realizing it, she took the Red Bull that Max had used and drank a sip. Later she realized it was Max's can.

"Oh God, I'm sorry I've just drunk from your can!" she said giving him the Red Bull.
"It's fine, you don't have to apologize!" he smiled at her and she smiled back.
They worked for another three hours when they realized it was very late, as usual. Suddenly Max closed y/n's computer and looked at her.

"What are you doing? We haven't finished yet!" she said confused and a bit mad at him.
"We can work on that tomorrow. It's very late and we're both tired"
"I'm not tired at all! Let me finish it!" she was about to open the laptop but Max was faster and took her pc away, running through the kitchen.
"Give me my laptop!" 
"catch me if you can!" he ran to the upper floor and y/n followed him to his bedroom.
"Max...please...I...I'm an engineer...I don't run..." she said with a faint voice.
"You're so funny when you run!" he said standing on the opposite side of the bedroom.
"Give it to me...please..." she was still out of breath.
"Okay, I'm gonna give it to you but you won't open it." he get closer to her, giving her the laptop. "but..." he said getting away the laptop from y/n's hand " more work for today, we go to have a dinner outside. Okay?" he said looking at her.

They were very close and she looked into his blue eyes. She couldn't say if she was breathless because of the running or because of the fact she was very close to his lips. She didn't move and, with her eyes still locked on his, she took her laptop and stared at him. He get very close, he was very nervous as well as her.
"It's better if we go. I'm starving" said y/n getting away from him. He looked at her and felt very stupid.
"'s better to go now. I take the car keys" he immediately went downstairs leaving y/n in his bedroom. She looked at the bathroom mirror but she felt so ugly. She wasn't dressed in an appropriate way, she was wearing a pair of jeans and a stupid t-shirt, while Max would have changed his clothes for sure.

"This is going to be ridiculous" it was the first time they ate together in a restaurant. Suddenly she remembered all the times he asked her out and all the times she said no to him. It was funny how things change.
"Are you ready, y/n? I'll wait for you in the car if you need more time!" Max's voice came from downstairs, so y/n immediately composed herself and went outside. He was wearing a pair of jeans, a Red Bull hat, and a stupid tshirt. She smiled at him and get in the car.

She smelled the perfume of Max's car. It was sweeter than Carlos's one, which was a little more bitter, but they both were strong and she loved them. 
Max turned the engine on and the car roared. He looked at her and smiled, like a proud baby with his new toy. She smiled and shook her head.
They arrived at the restaurant which was very luxurious, and they both laughed when people stared at them wearing jeans and t-shirts. The night passed very easily and they had a good time together. Later, they left the restaurant and Max took y/n to her hotel. She opened the car door and looked at him. She didn't know what she really wanted, she didn't know if she wanted him to kiss her or not, the only thing she knew was that she was shaking.

"So..." "So..." they said at the same time so they laughed a bit.
"You first" said Max moving his harm like letting her talk
"Ehm...I had a good time tonight..." she said this without taking a breath.
"Yeah, me too" he sounded much more confident than her.
"Good, so...goodnight" she got away from the car and closed the door when Max stopped her.
"Y/n!" he opened the window
"What?" she turned back looking at him
"Your laptop is at my place" 
"Oh, I'm stupid. I totally forgot about it"
"I'll bring it to you tomorrow night. And wear a nice dress, we go dancing" he smiled and without letting her answer, he went away storming out of the hotel patio.

Her heart was beating very fast and she couldn't think about anything else but this during all the day after. Around 6 pm she started getting ready. She was very nervous so she washed her hair, she put her make-up on and wore a beautiful glitter mini dress, she felt very uncomfortable but she decided to wear it the same. 
She didn't eat anything, she was too nervous and when Max called her to say he arrived, she was about to give up. But then she looked in the mirror and said she could have made it.

They went to the discotheque and there was also Lando Norris there. He was near the jet set, since the DJ was Zedd and they were very close friends. When y/n saw Lando her heart stopped for a second, thinking about that Carlos could have been around too, but it was just for a moment, because Max took her hand and they danced all night long. 
At a certain point, it was very hot in there and she went to a balcony outside while Max followed her. The music was still loud and they could only communicate by talking to each other ears. 

"It was too hot in there, isn't it?" she said in his ear
"Yes, you're right. We can stay here if you want" he was holding his drink with his right hand while with the other he held her waist. She gasped for a second and stared at him for a bit too much. Then Max took his chance and pulled her against him with his left hand, she got near him and they kissed. His lips were soft and tasted of alcohol and somehow this excited her a lot. They separated for a second to look at each other. They smiled and kissed again.

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