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Men whispered in the corner of the room as I ignored them in favor of my work, twisting away and having a soldering helmet on as the blowtorch was burning in my other bionic arm.

I rolled my eyes, how should I have known to personalize pain inhibitors that were not installed in him, not one told me I was supposed to get a new one. Now I was put on constant watch because of that.

I concentrated on my work, soldering in a filament to hold the seams solidly since I didn't want my arm to make a clicking noise from something going loose in it.

Yeah well, since I wanted an upgrade to my arm tendons I installed them, making my movements even more precise, I needed this upgrade, I mess up once, never again.

People here are gonks, watching me with horror as I worked away but couldn't understand, how can they trust someone else but themselves to do a good job?

I lifted my arms off the bloody work desk, flexed it before grabbing a screw with a bionic arm and setting the actual arm down as I turned to blowtorch with other two.

I grabbed the screw driver in my actual hand, turning my dial eye to the biggest zoom and screwing away to fix the imperfection I saw.

They are weak, sure it hurts but the results are worth it.

I flinched at my blood sprayed in my face before laughing.

I wiped it away with a smile, who gives a fuck about what they think of me? I get to work however I want here, I have free reign as long as I fill out my quota asked off me.

Arasaka doesn't care for the individual after all but for the results.

I do pity those netrunners, their life is bored, lucky I never showed any incline for it even as they tried to teach me, if you want to drill a hole in my head let me do it because I am not letting anyone touch my body.

Tho working in tech was cool, thanks kid for choosing this, I don't think I'll ever be able to love anything else as much as this, fuck it if others call me psycho for it.

I dropped my tools and closed my hands, the plating shifting back into place as I moved my arm to check it out.

"Perfect." I laughed to myself as my bionic arms put away the tools I used, still as bloody as they were.

I heard door shifting open and closed, finally the muttering sto-- bang.

I covered my side with my bionic arms rolling across each other to form a solid-ish wall (There is not supposed to be as much of a gap between the rings of metal as it is in the drawings, the tubes are much less visible but drawing that would have killed me.) of bulletproof material as I crouched down behind it as bullets rained.

"What the hell?!" I yelled, looking through a gap in the arms. "MaxTac?" I groaned as I saw them walk in.

I closed the gap as another rain of bullets came.

"Give up you cyberpsycho!"

"Oh you bitches!" So that's why huh? Arasaka you bitch backstabber.... Tho I was blind to believe they'll let it go. "I am not psycho you asses!"

I knew the extreme basics on the net since I was brought in to try to be a netrunner, I had dropped out of that program but still remembered the breach to use to get into the system since I needed it to save my files somewhere to not forget and they refused me access, if you are trying to zero me I'll delete everything I created for you!

"Oh fuckers!!!!" I looked at the 'access denied' pop up, to my own files in the system, I couldn't get my own work. "That's not yours to have!" I closed the holo with a groan.

I looked at the window sided wall that was riddled with bullet holes.

"Perish!" I held up my other arm, the launcher system deploying and shooting out two cylinders with curved sides with holes.

I held my breath as they just made a loud 'pssssshhh' sound, no gas was visible but I wouldn't want to breath it in, the silent odorless killer.

I ran at the window, hearing more shots as I ran through the it, sending shards of glass flying as I turned towards the inside.

I raised the arm, launching the third loaded charge and it was a small low grade incendiary grenade the wouldn't normally do much damage.

But with that gas?

The whole room exploded and the blast shock sent me flying further away from the building and crashing against the side of the opposite.

My two of my bionic arms stabbed into the side of the building to slow my descent.

I laughed to myself, simple carbon monoxide, tasteless, odorless and highly poisonous if breathed in but also extremely flammable.

One itself the gas might not have suffocated them, it would bond with the organic lungs but not synth lungs and they might have gas masks so the explosion was a must to be sure I was safe.

I watched the fire as I pushed off the building and landed with my four arms taking the shock, my body still above the ground, arms crossed, I watched it spread, the whole room of inventions and tools lost to the inferno.

I was so mad at Arasaka, they tried zero me after looking me out of my files, they were hijacking their servers but who cares, they dared to keep it.

I lost years of my work.

"Just you wait... I'll make you eat shit for this." I growled, blood boiling as I whipped out my bionic arm, slashing the throat of a man open and throwing his body away as I sat on the bike he turned off, driving it away because Arasaka can concentrate back on me.

Oh I'll show you that you don't play with my things, you'll suffer my anger... And that I promise.

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