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I hummed, almost skipping to my work space, dropping the wrapped paper bag on it.

"Don't stay up all night." Was all Kiwi said as I pulled out the new thing I got from my friend.

I grinned as I looked at the two almost flat palm sized disks I pulled out.

I held them up and pressed in the middle, each of them having a side open up and half a metallic mask sprang out, I neared the pieces and heard a click as some strong magnet grabbed on each other.

I lifted them up to my face and looked in the mirror, clicking the deactivate to make them only disks again, yeah I could install these.

I grinned wider, only a few little modifications and they'll be perfect with the another thing I bought.... God I love that man, he has the knack to get the best pieces I could ask for.

I pulled out my tool and sat back on two of my bioarms while the other two clicked their 'finger', I switched the dial to the biggest zoom this will be fun.


I worked later into the night before I dropped all my tool and stood, stretching my muscles, most are mechanical but I am not a full borg just yet, these organic parts are so weak.

"Oh well there is so much left to upgrade."

I grabbed a half finished takeout box from the table, this Taki place or whatever it is called is good, I always forget the name. It makes fire dishes, I tried asking some weird shit and they can still do it, what sort of takeout service does this?

But the second it was not over the table the box fell, slipping through my fingers as if I wasn't holding it.

Moments later I felt like... Liquid filling my nose and back of the throat.

Grabbing my chest as I hunched over, heaving up at least a coffee cup in volume of blood.

"This is new." I said tho not exactly as I wiped my face on the back of my hand but I could call it that since it had been a long time since this happened. "It usually is when I use the Sand--ArK!" I cut myself off, covering my mouth but the blood splatter out between my fingers and around my hand.

My body really doesn't do well when using that implant for it, it pushed to the max sensitivity is what lets me use my bioarms as if they were also there when I was born but it requires me more time to recover and I don't know you but I haven't been doing that.

I felt some sharp stabs each time I inhaled or exhaled fully.

I leaned on the table with one hand as blood pooled around the other one as I coughed into it.

This is why I don't usually use the Sandy's ability for speed but it was worth it, Kiwi didn't get hurt.

But all this coughing was making my head hurt as I tried to concentrate because I am sure the table.... The... Well I didn't think tables can spontaneously grow eyes and tentacle to ensnare your hand can they?

"Don't sink dammit." I thought but it felt like I was screaming in my own ears.

I stumbled, flailing with my second arm to grab the table but still fell down on one knee, nausea having a mean left hook, the fact my normal eye saw normally was great but the other, the dial eye, was zoomed in also added to the headache and instability of it all.

And despite it all, despite coughing my lungs out, I didn't want to wake her tho my efforts were in vain sadly.

I didn't even notice I woke her until I felt her arms on my shoulders, annoying buzzing in my ears.

Restart (Kiwi X F.OC)Where stories live. Discover now