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(Just so the readers doesn't get confused.... This will be from the point of view of the one filming the XDB when we are looking at the XBD, not X's, and yeah.)

"Ah come on, is it not working?" Trev asked, slapping me on the back of the head.

"Well now it does." I hissed, shoving him away are Mark laughed. "We have filmed what we needed anyway, we can just have our fun with the lady."


I raised a brow, seemed the start of the XBD was cut for some reason, as if discarded for some reason.

As if the XBD's content didn't actually matter but what happened now, in the aftermath, weird editing.


"Yeah, we make good money and now can have fun." Trev gave me a high five.

I gotta admit, today's catch is a beauty tho feisty.

I walked to the bed and yanked the pillowcase off her head.

"Wake up!" I slapped her across the face, that always wakes anyone up. "Oh look at that, still has some spunk guys!" I laughed. "I'll soon wipe that glare off your face."


I hesitated a moment in going further, pausing the recording.

I almost didn't recognize her.

I assume what they filmed before what got on this XBD was something about physical assault as even it there was torn in her clothes she was dressed but hurt.

I saw the soles of her feet with bloody gashes on them, equally bloody glass shards on the ground, a large one sticking in her foot still.

Her legs sported similar more shallow cuts with far less blood, the goal was purely to hurt her....

With my blood starting to boil I purely looked at the rest, wanting to see every detail to make these men suffer the same.... Wait she said she killed them already, a little hope in this bleak view.

 Her arms were more bruised then cut, marks of cigarette burns, deep ones up them along with thick rope tying them before her back way to tight, legs tied too, cutting off blood flow and feelings which would just hurt.

Bruises that looked like blotches or precise lines which meant there was a toll used.

Paused like this I could move around, seemed like the editing mode was not disabled fully but all I was able to do is look around.

I saw metal rods and a.... Razor wire whip.

Her back oh my, her bionic arms where not removed like I thought but broken off on different lengths so it was short and wouldn't pose the men and dangers, the discarded pieces in the corner of the room, there were deep cuts in the metal and the skin around it, there was a fucking pool of blood underneath her.

Her neck was one big bruise, fingers clearly drawing out in purple on the skin and her face... Just heavily bruised too, so much so there was a wound on her cheek that probably opened under a punch's strength, hair a mess and red of blood, lip busted with a cloth tied around her head and in her mouth to shut her up, a bloody mess and tears but she was indeed glaring at him.

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