Chapter 17

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Will you be able to go up on your own? Should I give you a hand?"

Rosaria, who was following, looked at the high chair and asked, but I shook my head.

"No! I can go up alone."

Now that I've grown up, I was able to do this easily

Because I'm not the old me who could only chirp.


Giving strength to my arms, I climbed into the chain and sat down, Rosaria applauded me joyfully.

I was smiling proudly when I heard a sneer next to me,

"Hmph. You can barely come up on a chair. What kind of black mamba are you?"

"Irene is a bird!"


The boy with curly black hair raised his chin and one side of his mouth.

"What are you so proud of when you're only a bite away, you idiot!"

The boy seemed to be waiting for me to cry out of fear.

So, what do you think? Are you afraid now?' He looked at me like that. What should I do?

It doesn't bother me, since I just learned that the expression "a bite away" is known as a sign of cuteness among black mambas.

"That's right, Irene is cute!"

So I responded confidently. Then the boy winced and shouted out in an emotional voice.

"H-Hey, this! What nonsense are you talking about! How can you say that about yourself!"

"But it's the truth, Irene is cute!"

Somehow, it felt as if my audacity was rising day by day.

Seth had a pathetic expression on his face when he saw the two of us arguing. He had eyes that couldn't understand why we were doing this.

I glanced at the curly-haired boy sitting next to me and smiled bashfully.

The boy seemed speechless.

As I pretended not to take any damage and did nothing as he wanted, his face contorted and a slightly bewildered expression passed by.

This isn't it. What gives? It was such an expression,

Cade, who was watching the fight, said briefly.


With those words, the boy rubbed his lips, softening his momentum.


The boy shook his head.

As the chaotic atmosphere calmed down, Cade spoke again. "Seth, Arban. Don't you know that today is the day you are introduced to your little sister?"

I think the name of the kid sitting next to him is Arban,

I glanced curiously at Arban, whom I had never seen before. There was an argument, but I couldn't help but be interested, and maybe it was the same for Arban, since our eyes met.

It felt like I had been caught stealing, so I kept myself looking straight ahead and pretending to know nothing, but Seth greeted me like he knew.

"I see you again, Irene."

".....Yes, hi."

"Seems like you are taller?"

Seth spoke out in a friendly tone, without hesitation.

I usually just think of things like that. He was surprisingly straightforward.

"Have you two met each other?"

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