Chapter 29

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Around the same time.

Karma was looking at Irene's actions with a more serious attitude than ever.

Among his colleagues, he was the best at stealth, and because of that, he could be chosen for a role dedicated only to Irene. No matter how fast an enemy was, Karma was able to overpower his opponent at once with his outstanding visual acuity.

As soon as the banquet started, and he saw Irene running around, Karma thought.

'It's fatal.'

The little lady, with her white hair tied up tightly, was busy moving her short legs. Irene who couldn't keep her mouth shut as if the banquet hall she had participated in for the first time was just amazing, was receiving a lot of attention from everyone in the hall.

"Astrophel's youngest lady must be curious about this place."

"It is to be expected."

"By the way, her hair is white? Isn't the Astrophel family originally black-haired? Besides... it's small."

"Looking at the pheromones, she doesn't seem to be a black mamba. There must be a story."

"Since her eyes are red. That must be why Duke Astrophel officially announced her existence."

"By the way, it's very lovely and cute.... There's no child that small in our clan."

Karma, who nodded in agreement with the last line, met Messi's gaze, who was nodding his head at the same part.

Messi has been the hottest topic in recent times.

He said he liked this mission because he felt like he had returned to his hometown, but by his bloody standards, he seemed to have returned to the past altogether. It wasn't long after Messi returned to the mansion that he was spotted as a major problem figure.

Pyo. Pyo. Pyo.

Irene, who was walking in the hallway, lost her balance while looking elsewhere for a moment. As she safely touched the floor with her hands the moment she almost fell, Irene smiled brightly.

"Good. I didn't fall. Fuu."

That moment was very short, but Karma still couldn't forget Messi that was shooting himself in front of Irene.

The story of Karma grabbing Messi by the collar at full speed and jumping straight out of the side window was already famous. Irene herself didn't notice, but it was an incident that all the black mambas passing by had witnessed.

"If it wasn't for an emergency, you shouldn't show up."

"I want to hug Miss Irene. What should I do? I knew you would stop it, but at least I tried once."

Messi smiled broadly as he shook off his grabbed collar. The way he casually spat out words that turned one's insides out was exceptionally bright in tone.

He sent a warning look to Messi, who had already left Karma behind. It meant that no matter what the circumstances, he was to never come forward first.

And when he turned his gaze back to Irene...

"Would you like to play with me?"

'When did you get over there?'

A voice came from quite close.

It was said she wanted to make friends, and it seemed that she was already doing it.

Feeling pleased for some reason, Karma confirmed who Irene's dotted friend was. He was a boy with blonde hair and dark blue eyes. Unlike the young werebeasts who had gathered around, the boy was alone.

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