Chapter 4

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I stared at my laptop screen, seeing everything except the words on my screen. I had tons of work piled up that required all my attention and I tried to shift through the first bunch since the morning. But today, my mind decided that wandering further into la la land was more acceptable than getting on with work.

I shook my head and tried to refocus only for my brain to go in temporary shut down. I shook it again, and this time found my mind springing onto the last thing that is related to my work.

The boy from last night. After my lack of enthusiasm to share about the occurrences of my day, we stayed quiet for a long while. Here and there, someone would shift and innocently touch the other. Don't get me wrong, any fleeting touch he sent my way provoked anything but innocent ideas in my head.

I long ago dream of what it was like to have this man all to myself. In one room, with no inhibitions. And then to have him bask me in the purest of pure aftercare. He would wipe me down below with a hot and damp cloth, he would then place kisses down my inner thigh, all the wise massaging every sore spot on my body. He would then move up and caress me carefully, acutely aware of what response he would find from me, but he would carry on nonetheless.

I also imagined how it was like to go to dinner and the movies with him. To have him hold my hand and whisper all sorts of filth in my ear. And that's the kind of relationship I wanted. I wanted us to look sweet together, but also have this level of dirty naughtiness between us two. I imagined what it was like to feel desperate for him in the middle of the day, where I would even allow him to take me in his car in broad daylight.

I shook my head again, for the millionth time that day. "Damn it." I whispered to myself, running my fingers through my hair and back down to my face. I dropped myself into the open fingers and let out a small scream. "Why am I so obsessed with you?" I asked no one but my inner, dirty vixen.

"Because you can't live without me."

I twirled my chair around to see Shar, my best friend, leaning against the door frame. He wore his statement leather jacket, with dark washed jeans and his bright as hell blood red t-shirt that had some unknown band initials across over it. His silky dark hair was lovely against his brown skin, and he had this allure about him that was simply hard to ignore.

"That's a stretch." I said over my grin. My grinned widened even further when I noticed the bag he was holding.

"Don't tell me that is halloumi sticks and a nice fried chicken wrap with no mayo but garlic sauce... and a Diet Coke." I said as I sprang up from my chair. I took one massive step towards where he stood and reached for the bag of goods he most likely did not get for himself.

He sidestepped my near assault and held the bag over his head. "Nah, relax."

I glared at him. Even with my high heels on, Shar towered over me a good foot. And I know I looked silly stomping my feet in my smart two piece business suit and my clear heels. So I opted to glare at him as though I could murder him with just my eyes.

"Damn, what's that look for?"

"I'm deprived of good things."

Shar arched an eyebrow. "What happened yesterday?"

I walked back to my seat only to slump down. "I'm just so tired of this life." I whispered to him, glancing behind him to make sure no one walked across the hallway.

Although I had the majority of this side of the floor to myself, it didn't go over my head that this whole building belonged to my father. Every single employee answered to him. It took me months to fight for my own space and even then he relented to having my office a few floors down from him. If he could have it his own way, I would have been right next to his own office.

I knew it was another way to control me and as much as I hated it, I hated myself even more for not having the guts to do much about it.

Shar looked at me, pity crossing his face before he morphed it into his usual smirking self. "You can always drop everything and marry me."

I rolled my eyes. No single moment passed between Shar and I where he suggested for us to wed. I have known Shar since I was a little baby. Our mothers were friends of friends so I regularly saw him whenever we went to any social gatherings. Long after my mother stopped seeing her social friends, I had already created a lasting bond with Shar. It helped that he was a few years older than me so he had the means to always come see me or find ways to stay in contact.

Did I have a crush on him? For a few years I did. He was the only solid male in my life with his beautiful half-Italian half-Cuban genes. He was handsome, talk and dark. He was every females wet dream and on top of that, I had pieces of him no female ever had. He was my best friend simply put.

But the past year, there were more instances where he suggested for us to marry. I knew it was a good running joke between us but it didn't go past my head how subtle the heat in his eyes were. And how his touches have slowly become more longer and in places that made my insides melt.

"And what life would you give me?" I asked him, deciding to play along with his teasing game. I did this once in a while and I knew how it would end.

He stalked towards me and leaned closer down to me, his strong hands rested on his armrest of mine. He was so close that I could smell his usual musky scent, with a hint of his cologne. "Anything you want."

I pushed back into my seat as humour danced in my face. I tried to contain my smile but it was futile. Shar raised his eyebrow and took one step too far. He leaned in and pressed a chaste kiss on the corner of my lip, lingering a few seconds way too long.

Oh my god!

I waited until he pulled back and saw his dark eyes had turned into molten orbs. Damn it, Shar. Not again.

"You going to feed me or...?" I questioned, my voice coming out way too soft.

"Or what?" Shar pushed.

"Or let me starve?"

Shar shook his head and pulled away. I felt the space between us go cold at his absence. He dropped the bag beside me and jerked his chin in that direction. "Eat up flower princess."

I flared at his nickname for me, fed up correcting up. Thank god he only called me that in private. There would be blood on my arms if he said such a thing in a public space.

Then again, we weren't together much in the public. Courtesy of my father. He tried for the longest to separate us for good but if there was one thing I held too tightly on, it was my friendship with Shar. He would have to physically pry my hands off him and likewise for Shar.

And I also believed there was an element of caution for my father when he wanted to tackle Shar. There was a reason why he was in the same societal circle as my own. His family's name carried weight in a generational type way.

"What's the plan today?" I asked him, fishing through the paper bag to see my favourite sand which sub in there. I moved a few tissues around and found a bowl of meatballs with it as well. It was halloumi sticks and a chicken wrap sandwich but this was a close second. And I also spied a Diet Coke can in the bag.

"I got a few things I need to run by the garage, then take Ma to the airport and then I'm pretty much free the rest of the day. You down to do something?"

I stopped fishing through the bag and snapped my head in his direction. "Heck yes!" It's been a while since we had a good time out together. We usually saw each other every week and a half and it would be times like this, where he would waltz in my office building and bring me lunch.

To have him all to myself this evening would be a godsend, especially since I had a crappy few days. 

"Shall I pick you up, say after you're done with work?"

"Come even earlier."

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