Chapter 5

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I was very much neck deep in my work that I did not realise the time until I got a call from Shar. I picked up the call and heard his low voice answer. "Shut it down."

"Yes sir." I replied and then I hung up.

I saved all my important documents, and pretty much didn't bother looking at the seven emails waiting for me. I shut down the computer and started to gather all my belongings. There were some files I had no problem leaving in this office. Some files, however, required to stay as close to me as possible. I debated whether I should open a mini storage place where I could store all my evidence based data- but then again, I wasn't naive as to my father's consistent eyes on me.

I long ago stopped wondering why my father requires eyes on me as to though I was one of his nemesis.

I walked out my office when everything was how I wanted and bumped straight into my fathers' hard chest. "Sorry," I mumbled, stepping a few steps back.

For father to come down from his office to mine was very rare, and the times that it did happen, it required all my attention. And all my wary of course. I stopped feeling despair at our lost relationship, to a point where I become a shell whenever I'm around him. Strictly business? It might just well be at this point. I was his property. His investment and now he wanted returns.

"I have asked you to look over the Jameson case." He stated, his dark eyes showing zero emotion. He was dressed as sharp as he had been this morning. No lint on his suit, no crease in sight. Appearance was key to his image- even when he lacked any other form of social skill. I have never seen my father laugh. I have never seen him have a humours conversation with anyone. People said what they wanted to say and swiftly moved away from him.

Although he was always surrounded by people, the level of discomfort he gave to people would never go amiss. I always saw because if I was not watching the room, I was watching my father.

"I have."

He raised one eyebrow. "And?"

I heaved my bag further up my shoulder. "And what?" I asked.

A scowl appeared on his face. "Are you downgrading yourself to being stupid now?"

I flinched at his words. "No, sorry."

"Then tell me if you have looked over the case or not." My father said in a low voice. The voice that has made grown me crawl away.

"I have only briefly glanced at it. Nothing more, sorry."

My father's jaw clenched. I noticed he also had his fists hanging by the side and they were clenched as well.

There was a reason why I told him I hadn't looked at the case. Because even though I worked day and night to expose the corruption happening between the main people of my father's inner circle, I didn't have enough ammunition to ensure they were all jailed.

The Jameson case did.

And hell... it did not disappoint.

The more I researched the more I found. And the more I became obsessed with. It was a murder case. And if my father was involved, it was definitely a cover up as well.

The whole case was was like a can of worms. It was like the biggest missing piece I needed. And my father handed it to me on a silver platter.

I wasn't ready for my father to take the case away from me so I deliberately worked on it a few hours a week.

"I need a few more weeks." I added quickly.

My father shown his head. "We have no more weeks left. I need every single thing done by the end of the week."

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