Chapter 38

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It was difficult to answer his question straight away. Especially because of his intense gaze on me, a look filled with so much unspoken words.

Was I in pain?

I have been in pain for weeks now. To a point where I don't remember what my life was like without that pain. It simmered underneath my skin, down to the last layer. It was like a non stopping current, the pain coursing through my whole body in waves that came and went.

I was in pain.

My soul ached for what life has dealt me. I wanted a mum and a dad. Parents who loved each other and were irrevocably in love with their child that the thought of harming them would be horrific behind words. I was hunting for normalcy. And fuck it I'll get it.

I took a deep breath, summoning all the strength within me, and slowly nodded, a single tear threatening to escape the confines of my eyes.

Nate sat up, his eyes never leaving mine, and gathered me in his arms. He smelled amazing, his scent exuding strength and comfort, overwhelming my nostrils with its intoxicating allure. I leaned against his chest, finding solace in his embrace, my hands skirting over the fine dusting of hair that led to his V-shaped neckline.

"They'll win if we give them the satisfaction of your tears," Nate murmured, his voice a soothing balm against the wounds of my heart.

"They've seen me cry plenty of times," I replied softly, my voice tinged with vulnerability.

"When?" he asked, his curiosity gentle yet persistent.

"When I was at my lowest," I confessed, memories of my darkest moments flashing before my eyes.

"No more crying. Cry in my arms, but not one more tear for them," Nate whispered, his voice filled with conviction, as if he were making a solemn vow to protect me from any more pain.

I nodded, feeling a mix of relief and determination wash over me. His words resonated deep within my soul, and I decided then and there that I would no longer allow those who had hurt me to have power over my emotions. No more tears shed for them.

"Let's sleep now. Tomorrow it's going to be chaotic," Nate said, his voice taking on a hint of mischief and excitement.

"Why?" I inquired, curious about what could possibly be awaiting us.

"Got someone I want you to meet," he replied, his eyes sparkling with anticipation.

I knew who it was. My heart fluttered with both nervousness and eagerness. Meeting someone significant in Nate's life held both a promise of connection and a sense of responsibility.

"And we will tell you everything," he added, his voice softening with affection.

As I lay there, wrapped in Nate's embrace, I couldn't help but wonder how my life had taken this unexpected turn. From a place of profound pain and longing for normalcy, I had found solace in the arms of a man who had become my confidant, my protector, and my anchor in the storm.The night seemed to pass like a gentle dream, and as the first rays of dawn peeked through the curtains, I felt a mixture of anticipation and anxiety. Nate's words lingered in my mind, urging me to face the day with newfound strength and resilience.


Nate held my hand firmly as we made our way down the stairs, the dimly lit surroundings hinting at the covert nature of this safe house. The distant chattering piqued my curiosity, and I let Nate lead me towards the source of the voices.

As we turned a dark corner, we stepped into a brightly lit large kitchen where Claud, immersed in the music from his headphones, was brewing some tea at the stove. The kitchen was empty of anyone else, and I wondered where the chattering had come from. Just then, through a window, I glimpsed a group of unfamiliar faces walking away, plates in hand, indicating they had just left the kitchen.

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