4.Just Dance 💃 🪩 🕺

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I opened my eyes.

It doesn't feel like I slept at all.

I probably didn't.

Although I don't remember much apart from becoming aware of noises. There are no windows so I can't tell what time of day it is.

"You're awake."

I looked up to the door's small slit and saw two eyes peering in.

"Hello to you too."

"The captain sent me to check on you."

"How considerate of him."

"You'll get your meal in two hours."

"What time is it?"

"I'm not sure."

"Can you bring me some books to read? It'll keep my mind from forming an escape plan."

"If you say so."

"Maybe some east books? I don't have the best education level."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't want to get into it, but I only went to half of the second grade before I stopped learning."

"What's your name anyways?"

"YN LN."

His eyes got crinkles on the edges. He's smiling.

"YN LN. that's a nice name."

"Thank you Soap."

"I shouldn't tell you this, but my name is John MacTavish."

"I do t know why you can't tell me your name but okay."

His eyes disappeared and I heard him walk away.

Some minutes later the door opened and he held five books. Three small and two big.

"The Outsiders, Percy Jackson and the lightning thief, Harry Potter, and Sherlock Holmes. Nice. Thank you."

"You're a lot nicer than I thought you'd be."

I looked up at him.

"What do I get from being mean to you?"

"We're literally holding you captive."

"Yeah, but I'll get out once I tell you everything I know. I'm not worried."

"Who left this door open?"

We both turned our attention towards the door and Ghost poked his head in.

"Soap what are you doing in here?"

"She's harmless, Ghost."

"Don't let your guard down. Just because we have her in a cell doesn't mean she's harmless. You shouldn't be in with her like this."

"She just wanted some books, LT. nothing to worry about." He walked to the door and patted his shoulder.

"Whatever, just keep the door closed."

I picked up my book and opened to page one.

Huh, no pictures.

Five weeks later

"YN, be quiet! If they catch us, we're both dead!" Soap whispered as we snuck through the halls.

"You're the loud one! You can't even hear my footsteps!"

"Okay, get in!" He opened his bedroom door and ushered me in, looked up and down the hall before closing the door.

"Okay, we made it. Everyone should be asleep by now, but we still gotta be quiet. You think you can do that?" Soap asked watching me get comfortable on his bed.

"Oh, I'll be fine. It's you we gotta worry about." I smirked.

"You asked for it." He smirked as he set up his phone on his wardrobe.

He set up a video of Just Dance and we both got into position before dancing to the song.

"Ahh, you're being too loud!" I snorted at the giggling man.

"I'm trying, I'm trying!"

I snorted and kept dancing to the figure on the small screen.

There was a knock and we both stopped, the music blaring through the room."

"Oi, Johnny. Open up."

"Shit, it's Ghost! Hide!"

I dove under the bed as he scrambled to turn the phone off.

"Oh hey, LT. What can I do you for?"

"I can't find the girl."

"The girl? You mean YN?"

"What other girl is there?"

"Give her to me."

"I don't have her!"

"I watched you sneak her through the cameras."

"Oh...well- hey!"

The blanket was lifted off the floor and I was met face to face with the skull man.

"Hey...how you doing?"

Ghost x Reader: Looking Out For MeWhere stories live. Discover now