118. Everyone calm down

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Ghost caught me as I almost fell and I pulled myself away from him.

Price pat Kiara's back and bounced her gently.

"Now, what the fuck is going on?"

I've never seen Price angry.

He's usually so calm and level headed.

"Give her to me! You're going to give her back to Simon and make sure I can't take her!"

"No one is going anywhere! Both of you, sit on the floor!"

Ghost and I glanced at each other before doing what we were told.

Price handed my screaming girl to Gaz and Gaz walked away.

"W-where is he taking her? Stop!"

I started to stand.

"SIT!" Price ordered.



Tears kept running down my face but I sat down.

I'll get her back.

"Now, does someone care to explain what's happening? What is so important that you'd traumatize your own child for this?"

"YN wants a divorce because- ugh!"

I blinked as Ghost held his head and shook.

"He's cheating on me with Kat!"

"I'm not!" He croaked out.

"Konig sent me everything! The picture of nudes, texts, him on phone calls and dates!"

"I blocked her! I don't know how she got my new number! She calls me from different numbers when I block her there! The photo of her holding my face, I don't know how she found me! I pushed her off me right after. I never sent her nudes! You can't even tell if it's me in those photos! They're blurred out! I want nothing to do with Kat!"

"You ghosted her because she was pregnant! How do you explain that!?"

"She was pregnant, but it wasn't mine! She was cheating on ME!" Ghost shouted.

"How can I believe you?"

"How can you trust Konig? Over me?"

I blinked.

"What does Konig have to gain by lying?" I asked.

"He's in love with you! He's been wanting to take you from me since day one! He wants you!"

"But... this is to far... if he really loved me he'd be okay with me being happy!"

"He's jealous!" Ghost shouted.

"Where's Konig!?" Price shouted into the hall.

"He's outside." Soap shouted back.

"Get his ass in here!" Price shouted back.

"On it!"

After 10 minutes Konig walked in and stared down at me.

"What did you do?" I glared, angry tears running down my face.

"It's not my fault. The fact that you believe me so quickly is your fault. It's your fault for not having faith in your husband. Maybe it's because you know-"

"Konig, shut the fuck up." Price snapped.

"You lied!? I trusted you! I thought you as a friend!"

"That's your problem. You only see me as a friend. Nothing else. I'd make a better husband than Ghost."

I tried to attack him but I was shoved into the wall by him.

"YN!" Ghost and Konig began fighting and I just cried.

Like a pathetic loser.

I fucked up.

How would Konig even have Ghost's texts?

Nothing makes sense here.

And I just ate that as shit up.

I fucked up.

Big time.

Ghost x Reader: Looking Out For MeWhere stories live. Discover now