48. Sweet dreams

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(As of now, I am number one in all tags, except for three for this book! Thank you to everyone who followed, voted, commented, added this book to a reading list and just reads this book in general. I love you all and look forward to your comments every time I publish. I also wait for my regular commenters and worry if I don't see you guys 🥲. Okay, I'll let you guys go now, bye!)

There was only one seat left.

"What happened to the other chair?" Ghost asked.

"I'm not sure. You should be a gentleman and let YN sit." Konig pat the chair next to him.

"No, Ghost. You sit."

"No, Konig is right. You sit."

"I'm telling you to sit. I have a solution."

Ghost stared at me but then sat down. I followed him and sat on his lap.

"See? Problem solved."

"Hmph." Konig turned away and focused on his food.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Just hungry."

Ghost rubbed my thigh and pushed my plate towards me.

I dug in and thought about what I should do.

I wanna go somewhere without being tracked.

It's not exactly legal where I'm going.

I want to meet up with Makia.

I might ask what she did with the children.

I fiddled with the sleeping pills in my jacket.

"Price, can I go shopping for clothes? Everything you bought me is a bit...small."

"Alright. Tomorrow you and Ghost will go shopping for food and clothes."

"Thanks." I smiled.

What should I wear?

"Is there dessert?"


"I can make a flan real quick! Here!"

"YN finish eating!" Ghost tried to grab me but I slipped through his fingers.

"I will. In a second."

I collect the ingredients and got to work.

Mix in some vanilla. Now some sleeping meds.

The meds are odorless and have no taste.

Don't ask where I got them from.

I won't tell you.

I put the pan with the uncooked flan into a pan with water before putting it into the preheated oven.

I skipped back and sat on Ghost.

After an hour, the flan was done. I took it out an let it cool.

"I've never had flan before." Soap hopped over with a plate.

I snorted and served him a slice.

"Mmm! This is delicious! I think it's my new favorite food!"

"I'm glad." I laughed and served everyone a slice as they formed a line.

Praises filled the air as they all ate.

That's right.

Eat up.

I smiled as I watched.

"YN, aren't you gonna have a piece?"

"No, I'm not a big fan of flan. It's just easy to make."

"Why would you make something you don't like?"

"It's easy." I shrugged.

"Well," Soap stood up and stretched. "I'm heading off to bed. I think I ate to much. Food coma."

"Me too." Gaz stood up.

One by one, everyone left until it was just Ghost.

"Come on. Brush your teeth and we're going to bed."

"Okie dokie."

Ghost barely made it to bed before passing out.

I hummed and checked on everyone to make sure they were asleep.

After that, I put on a nice red sparkly dress and red heels. I did my makeup and hair before heading out.

Nothing was armed.

This is risky but has to be done.

It took me an hour to walk to the underground club.

There were strippers, hookers, illegal drugs, you name it, it was happening.

I looked around until I saw the blond headed girl.

"Hey Makia. Long time no see."

"You bitch, you kept me waiting."

"You're just as cheerful as I remember."

"Sit down, asshole."

"So what did you end up doing?"

"With what?" She lit a cigarette and blew out the smoke in my face.

I waved it away and cleared my throat.

"With the kids. The kids from the illegal sex ring."

"Oh. I took a few. Put them in the camp."

"You killed the rest?"

"Well duh. There was to many to take. You didn't give me enough to buy those kids anyways."

"You could have dented your finances too, dirtbag."

"Can't. I'm in debt." She blew out a puff.


"Gambling. Turns out I suck at it."

"You dumb ass. Stop with that shit. I thought you knew better."

"How would I know better? I grew up in a shit hole."

"You've been in the streets longer than me. You know that when you suck shit at something you get away from it."

"I'm a slow learner." She sipped her whiskey.

I sighed.

I took a sip of my freshly poured drink and shook my head.

"I'm not here to baby sit you. I'm kind of being held captive at the moment."

"From what I see, you're free. Just run away."


"God fucking shit, you're comfortable where you're at. You have no plans of running away!"

"Of course I do! But when the time is right! Now is not good. They know this place better than I do."

"Cool, I'll bomb the shit out of their base. You're not there."


She stared at me with a raised eyebrow.

"My baby bird... she's still at base. I can't let her die."

"So get her and get out. It'll take thirty minutes for the bombs to arrive."

"I made some friends though. I can't see them killed."

She slapped me and threw her drink in my face.

"FUCKING SHIT, GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!" She stood up and grabbed me "You're coming with me."

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