79. Marry me?

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It hurt to open my eyes.

Everything hurt even my hair and nails.

I finally opened my eyes and everything was blurry for a while.

It cleared up and I moved my head to the side.

Ghost sat in a chair with his arms crossed, eyes closed.

Is he asleep?

I looked around and saw I was back at their base.

I groaned as I tried to sit up.

"Stay down, YN. It's been a week."

I looked at Ghost as he sat up in his chair, sleep still in his half lidded eyes.

I wanted to ask what he was talking about but my throat was to dry.

I couldn't get the words out.


Ghost poured a glass of water and helped me drink it.

I went into a coughing fit, the water hurt my throat.

"Take it easy. Little sips."

I took smaller drinks and slowed down my pace.

"There we go, good girl."

I leaned my head back against the pillow and licked my dry and cracked lips.

"They dry? Here."

Ghost pulled out a small lip balm stick.

He gently covered my lips with the stick and I rubbed them together.

"A...week?" I coughed out.

"Yes. You almost didn't make it. You flatlined three times."

"I thought third time was supposed to be the charm."


"YN, you're awake! I'm glad to see it. Maybe now Ghost will sleep, eat or drink." Soap walked in and I looked at Ghost with a frown.

"You didn't eat, sleep or drink for a week?"

"I didn't want to leave your side."

"Why? Scared I'd be dead when you got back?" I joked but stopped when I saw the look in his eyes.

Soap cleared his throat.

"Why don't I go get you both something to eat?" Soap suggested and I nodded.

"Thank you."

Soap nodded and left.

I patted the spot next to me in the bed and Ghost carefully climbed in.

"We were never supposed to see each other again." I whispered with a smile.

"What makes you say that?"

I stroked his face.

"You have your job and I have mine. We both travel and have no time for each other. I'm a criminal, you're a soldier. How would that work? Plus, all my sugar mommies and daddies won't like me if I have a partner."

"You have sugar mommies and daddies?"

"5 each."

"Jesus, how do you do it?"

"With a lot of sacrifice. But I need to do it. The sanctuaries need the money."

He kissed my forehead.

"You don't need them anymore."

"But I do."

"No you don't. I know how to fix it."


"Marry me."


"Marry me. I have money put away. I'll put your name on the account and you can use all you need."

"I'm not marring you for your money!"

"Then will you marry me because you love me?"

I felt my face go red.

"Don't you think it's a bit soon?"

"Most military couples get married very soon. And young."

"You got me there. But you never asked me to be your girlfriend." I smiled and he kissed my lips.

"You're my girlfriend. You have no choice."

"Sounds good to me, Mr lieutenant sir."

"Stop, you're gonna turn me on..."

I laughed and we kissed on the bed.

Ghost x Reader: Looking Out For MeWhere stories live. Discover now