27. What are you starting at?

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"No what?"


"What are you looking at?"

I blinked.

God damn it, why am I staring at it again!?

"Your dick..."



He gripped my hair and forced my head to only look at him.

"Well then stop."

"Okay... sorry."

"You're acting as if you want to. Don't be a desperate whore."

"And what if I am?"

Ghost went quiet and kept his eyes on mine.

Then he pushed me down and stepped on my head with his socked foot.

"You're really testing me, you know that?"

"In what way?"

"All of them."

"What are you gonna do? Take your sexual frustrations out on me?"

"And if I do?"

"Then maybe you'd be nicer and I'd recommend it."

"You'd recommend it, huh?"

"Would the mask stay on?" I asked and he pressed on my head.

Then he lifted his foot and sat on my waist.

"You play a dangerous game, YN."

"I do like danger."

"If I go through with it?"

"What if I want you to?"

"Don't be a whore."

"Don't slut shame, it's rude. It's not a good look on someone that obviously needs pussy."

"Shut up."

He got off me and walked upstairs.

"So we're not fucking?"

He ignored me and kept walking

I sighed and made my way to my room where Budge laid snuggled up in a nest of clean socks.

I flopped on the bed and sighed.

Ghost is so weird.

Or am I the em weird one?

Why do I always act so horny around this guy, seriously.

No, I'm just trying to do him a favor.

He just needs his dick sucked. Not my fault he's not taking me up on my offer.

I listened to the owl hoot outside the window.

It was dark.

But the moonlight is enough.

Why am I remembering the times I slept with a rock as a pillow?

Those were good times.

I was free. 

I wasn't held up with boys.

I could come and go as I pleased.

I tried to sleep.

I really did.

But I couldn't.

I just couldn't.

I guess I was still thinking of those poor kids.

I don't wanna know if they were killed.

I heard the TV coming from Ghost's room.

It sounded like the news.

I decided to go see what was happening around the world.

Ghost ignored me as I walked in and sat on his bed.

"An explosion has destroyed thousands off feet of land. It appears to have been an illegal sex ring." The news reporter spoke.

I felt Ghost's eyes on me.

I was suddenly sleepy.

I didn't stay for very long.

The death toll was unknown at the moment.

I yawned.

I was exhausted.

The death toll, huh? I hope it's all pedophiles that are dead.

I laid in bed and listened to the hooting of the owl and the scratching of the tree branch on the window.

The bed was soft.

I'm surprised Ghost even has extra beds. I would think he never has anyone over.

I let my eyes flutter close.

Finally, I'm going to sleep.

Ghost x Reader: Looking Out For MeWhere stories live. Discover now