80. Okay

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(I'm not sleeping well but when I do, I have the weirdest dreams and today I had a dream I wrote a Soap x reader book and I was like, this is the fucking shit and you guys loved it and then I woke up and I was like, that idea sucked ass. Anyways, I'm wondering what the book was about and if I should write it. Idk if I will.)

"So...you two are getting married?"

"Yup!" I smiled.

"And where do you plan to do this?"

"Vegas." Simon nodded.

"Why Vegas? I thought we said Queen Mary!"

"Why the Queen Mary?"

"It's pretty..."

"It's to open. Plus it'll take to long."

"Vegas isn't open and risky?"

"It'll be quick. In n out."

"I wanna go!" Soap raised his hand.

"You're all invited!" I beamed.

"Extra security." Ghost nodded and I smacked his chest.

"Be nice!"

"How am I being mean?"

"They're your friends! They should be invited to your wedding because you want them there."

"I do want them there."

"Aww, look at you, opening up. That's why I love you. I love your vulnerable moments." I put a hand on his cheek and kissed his other cheek.

"Stop it."

I could see him turn red under the mask and I smiled.

"Okay, sorry."

"So where are you getting married?" Soap asked.

"Rock paper scissor?"

"That's really how you want to settle this?"

I looked down at my IV.

"I want you to be comfortable. If Las Vegas makes it easy for you, I'm okay with that. I was just joking when I said I wanted to be married at the Queen Marry. It's pretty but to many people probably have reservations before us. It'll take to long. Vegas will be quick. Let's just go there."

"If you want to wait, I don't mind." Ghost handed me a cup of water.

"It's better to be quick. You're always traveling on they fly, we need to get it done."


He head butted me gently and Price smiled.

"Alright, YN. Heal up soon so we can get you married." Price nodded.

"Aye aye, captain!"

Everyone shuffled out of the room, leaving Ghost and I alone.

I leaned my head against Ghost's chest and he kissed my hair.

"Rest now. You need your strength." Ghost said and I smiled.

"Okay.... Ghost?"


"Would you still love me if I went buff?"

"Of course."

"I think I want to go buff. I'll have all the people meowing at me."

"What does that even mean?"


I looked down at my phone.

A mission.

I looked up at the door.

Ghost isn't back yet.

I could slip out the window.

But I'd be leaving him again.

But I need to do this.

Is Ghost gonna let me go?

I have to go.

It's my job.

Are they gonna shoot me again?

I got up and got dressed in some fresh clothes, grabbed my things and put my hair up and I hurried to the door.

I pulled it open and was met with Ghost's chest.

I looked up at his face, eyes wide, and he stared down at me.

"Where are you going?"

"I have to go." I tried to push past him but his body covered the doorway.

"Where are you going?"

"Ghost, please move. I have to go."


"I'm not sure yet. I just have to get going."

"How do you know you have to go if you don't even know where you're going?"

"Ghost, please!"

"Beep beep! Dinner coming through!" Soap chirped.

We both looked at him and his smile disappeared.

"What's going on?" Soap asked.

"YN wants to leave."

"What?! You're not even fully healed yet."

"I have to go. I'm sorry."

Ghost x Reader: Looking Out For MeWhere stories live. Discover now