Fat Girl Problem 6: Attention

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I already mentioned this before, but I hate attention. All I've ever wanted to do was blend in, but of course that never happened. Being fat meant I stood out, I was the billboard of "don't eat too much or you'll look like her". However, that wasn't exactly why I had a lot of attention on me these days. These day it seemed like Connor created it.

A month had past since we spoken, but it also been a month since anyone pointed out my size. Apparently, people heard that Connor was protecting me, so they didn't bother me. I was grateful for that, especially since I got new friends from it too. I wished I could thank Connor, but we hadn't spoken. To be honest I wasn't even sure if he was still protecting me.

"He's staring at you," Cece whispered.

I looked at Connor expectantly since last time Cece said that it was him. However, he was focused on the math booklet in front of him.

"I'm taking about Brad," Cece whispered again.

My eyes drifted to the attractive boy with disheveled black hair and blue eyes. When are eyes met he grinned and I looked away. Blush filled my cheeks. This attention I wasn't used to, but I also knew it was too good to be true.

"He's cute," Cece commented.

"Kind of," I muttered back as I glanced at Connor.

Her eyebrows rose curiously as a sly smile formed on her lips.

"Don't tell me you like Connor?"

I gasped and she laughed. My cheeks turned redder.

"No!" I exclaimed.

Some people looked at me confused and I blushed even more. This was so embarrassing.

Quieter, I said, "I just wonder why we don't talk."

"Maybe because you told him you don't want his help?"

I frowned. "I didn't say that."

"You basically implied it." Cece shook her head disappointedly.

My frown increased. I never meant to, I was just mad. He called me out for not standing up for myself, which offended me. I already knew I needed to stand up for myself, he didn't need to point that. That was why I said it.

"Don't worry, he stil cares about you," Cece suddenly said sympathetically.

"What makes you think that?" I asked.

"When you're not looking he watches over you."

I stared at her confused, but she looked dead serious. My eyes then drifted to Connor. I was surprised to see his head turn to the side. He still watches over me?

After spending yesterday thinking about Connor, I came to a conclusion. Whoever I reminded him of was someone he must of protected himself. That was why he payed any attention to me. Now that I realized that I was curious though. I wondered who this person could be. They must be special for Connor to protect them like this.

"Connor, Damon, you guys are team captains!" Mr. Lynch shouted.

I internally groaned. Volleyball was my favourite sport, but I hated when the coach picked captains. I was always picked last, which always hurt my already small pride. Sighing, I stared at Connor who had first pick.

He was staring off thoughtfully for a bit, until his chocolate eyes suddenly landed on me. They just stared at me for a bit, making me feel uncomfortable. For some reason I wanted to run away. Probably because I hated attention.

Eventually, he said smirking, "Quinn."

Everyone began murmuring as their eyes drifted to where I stood. I pretended like I wasn't the center of attention as I made my way to him. He was still smirking at me, which made me blush. I wondered why he picked me, especially since we hadn't spoken in a month. It made me kind of happy though.

I watched the rest of my classmates get picked. This time Ronald was picked last. No one liked him because he was weird. I still felt bad for him though. I knew what it's like to be picked last.

"Okay," Connor said, breaking me out of my thoughts. "Me, Quinn, Aaron, Rachel, Leo, and Devon will play first. You guys will be added in depending on how well or bad we play."

Everyone nodded in agreement. I did too, even though I was in shock. Never, never had I been picked to be a starter in a sport. Thank god I was good at Volleyball.

In a matter of minutes the game begun. I stood at the front row, beside Connor. He smirked at me and I found myself blushing. Sometimes he was so frustrating for doing such weird gestures.

As the game began I thanked everything for making me play alright. So far I hadn't messed up and I could tell people were surprised by that. It wasn't like I messed up before, but I was never actually given the ball before either. This time I got it constantly.

The game kept getting better and my team was winning. Connor and I scored the most points, which rewarded us with cheers. I smiled in pride. I'd never received an applause for anything. It felt pretty awesome and I wished it never ended because for once, I enjoyed the attention I was receiving.

Unfortunately, gym eventually ended. It was kind of a good thing since I was tired from playing the entire period and my clothes weren't very breathable either. That didn't matter though, right now I felt on top of the world.

Smiling, I began to walk to the changeroom, but then I heard someone call my name. I turned around to see Connor staring at me. He was sweating, but for some reason it made him look incredibly hot. I wasn't sure why, but something about how disheveled his hair looked or the way he panted lightly was so alluring.

Thankfully, Connor broke me out of my thoughts by saying, "You played great."

I couldn't help but blush. He was complimenting me?

"Thanks," I replied shyly. "You did too."

"You know if you were always as confident as you were today, people would treat you like a goddess," he said, ignoring my compliment.

I couldn't help but laugh. "I wish."

To my surprise he grinned and I felt my heart stop beating. It was beautiful, so beautiful. His teeth stood out as brilliantly as the sun and his eyes looked like and endless pool of melted chocolate. Somehow together they created a beautiful image that made my heart unable to function.

Without another word he left, allowing me to snap out of my awestruck. Shaking my head, I blushed and walked to the changeroom. The entire way there I wondered why he'd even look my way. Fat girls like me didn't get attention from guys like him.

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