Fat Girl Problem 9: Halloween

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Halloween, my favourite holiday as a kid. Back when it was all about sweets and snacks. Not to mention everything was free, except the awesome costumes. Well, as you grow up that ends and Halloween begins to suck. Let me explain why.

You see, as a teenage girl Halloween is just an excuse to dress slutty. We've all seen it, girls dressed as animals with more bare skin than costume showing. It wasn't like that bothered me though, the part that bothered me was the fact that I was left out. I wouldn't say I necessarily wanted to dress slutty, but when you're the only one not dressed slutty you stand out. As you know, I hated standing out.

Anyways, that was why I felt nervous for the dance the next day. Without any costume at all, I didn't think I could even go. I was kind of thankful for that because I didn't really even want to go in the first place. I tried explaining everything to Thea, but she wouldn't accept it.

"Quinn! You're coming!" she exclaimed. "We'll buy a costume today and you'll be all set.

Sighing, I agreed. Thea was a stubborn one, especially when she thought Connor would notice her more if I was there. I was kind of offended that it seemed like she was using me, but whatever. Girls will do anything for guys sometimes.

We ended up going to some sketchy store at some random street. Most of the costumes were gone because Halloween was tomorrow. However, there actually were a few slutty costumes remaining, but I would never wear them. No one needed to see my excessive flubber.

After finally settling on a nurse costume, we left the store. Thea and I both weren't exactly pleased with it. In her eyes it wasn't slutty enough and in my eyes it was. It wasn't slutty to be honest, but it was too short for me. I never wore dresses that went anywhere around my knee. Tomorrow would be the first time I did.

"Having fun?" Thea asked as she danced beside me.

I nodded awkwardly, even though I wasn't. Like expected, every girl was dressed inappropriately, even Cece. She looked amazing in her Hawaiian costume though. But, I felt left out, even though I felt uncomfortable in my own costume. It seemed like I was the only one not showing any stomach, thigh, or shoulders. That made me stand out and I could tell people noticed because they were looking at me strangely.

"I'm not having any fun," Cece said uninterested.

I fought back a smile. For some reason Cece really didn't like Thea. That was why she felt the need to say that.

"Well, that's cause you're not dancing," Thea retorted kindly.

Cece scoffed. She was about to say something, but then her eyes suddenly widened at something behind me. Thea looked in that direction and her eyes widened too. Curious, I turned around and got a heart attack.

There was Connor, dressed as Magic Mike. Meaning, he was shirtless, only wearing black skinny jeans and a black tie loosely clinging to his neck. It took everything within me to not drop my jaw. Honestly, he looking freaking hot, like so hot that it should be illegal. The boy had a six pack to top it all off that seemed to flex even more as he walked to me.

"Hey Quinn," he said when he reached me.

He gave acknowledging nods to Cece and Thea and I held back a laugh. Thea looked like she was about to drool or die. The way she looked at him was the way a directioner looked at any member of the band, we all know know crazy directioners are too. I wondered how I was keeping so calm around him.

"Hey," I replied. "Having fun?"

He scoffed. "So much."

"I can tell," I said with the equal amount of sarcasm.

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