Fat Girl Problem 23: Christmas Part 2

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I stared at the TV that was still on. Nothing was playing, but I didn't know what to do. Connor and I were alone and there was an awkward tension surrounding us. I knew I should initiate a conversation, but on what was the question.

"I got you a present," Connor suddenly said.

My eyes widened in surprise. He did?

"Oh, I did too. It's in my room so hold on," I said.

I quickly went upstairs and grabbed the bag holding the gift out of my room. The present I got him was last minute, so I wasn't sure of he'd like it. Hopefully he did.

When I came back to the living room, I saw Connor sitting on the same couch I was previously on, the largest couch. He was holding a small black box in his hand, spiking my interest. Not caring about personal space, I sat on the same couch as him.

"Um, here," I said, awkwardly handing my gift to him.

He took it gently in his hands and observed it. Patiently, I waited with a nervous stomach for him to open it. I really hoped he'd like it. Honestly, I didn't know why but I just wanted him to be happy from an action I did.

Slowly, he pulled the basketball contained in a box out of the Christmas bag. His eyes gleamed as he read what it was. A huge smile then plastered on his face, making my heart soar with happiness.

"I recently broke my old basketball," he said, still smiling. "Thank you, I love it a lot."

"You're welcome," I replied shyly.

He put the basketball back into the bag, still wearing a smile. Then grabbing the black box, he handed it to me. He looked awkward, but I felt excited as I now held the small black box.

"Here you go," he said shyly.

Smiling, I opened the box quickly. The second the box was opened, I gasped. It was beautiful, splendid, and exactly what I had wanted the other day. I couldn't believe he got me this.

"You didn't have to," I said shocked, even though I was admiring the necklace in my hands.

He shrugged. "I wanted to."

My face broke out into a grin as I held the necklace. I honestly thought I would never own something so beautiful. It meant a lot that he got me this. More than he would ever know.

"Thank you," I said, putting the necklace back into its box. "I love it."

He smiled. "You're welcome."

We both put the bags on the ground and just stared at each other awkwardly. It was late, and I really didn't know what to do anymore. We had watched all of the Christmas movies we owned and I wasn't good at entertaining people with my company. Suddenly, a yawn escaped me.

"Tired?" Connor asked.

"Yeah," I said honestly.

It had been a long day, but it was extremely fun. Connor seemed to lighten our family with his presence, so this was honestly the best Christmas I had in a while. I knew my dad felt the same way too. He never laughed so heartily since my mom and him got a divorce. It made me happy.

Wrapping some blanket around me, I looked at Connor who was watching me. His eyes looked like hot chocolate again, so yummy. Drifting my gaze away, I decided to shift closer to Connor. His warmth was needed right now.

Randomly, I asked him, "Tell me a bed time story?"

He stared at me confused for a second, but his eyes relaxed in a second.

With a small smile, he said, "Only if you lay on me like yesterday."

Blushed filled me cheeks quickly. Connor wants me to lay on him?

He shrugged, as if reading my thoughts. "It's comfortable."

"Alright," I agreed, blushing while smiling.

I shifted even closer to him and felt the heat instantly radiate off of him. When I was close enough, I lay my head on his shoulder. Connor was awfully muscular, but somehow this was really comfortable. Maybe even better than my bed.

"Ready?" he asked.

I nodded. I really was.

"Give me a genre."

I frowned. "A genre?"

"You know, the type of story it'll be. Realistic, sad, happy."

I thought about it for a second. Honestly, I had no idea what genre I wanted, but I decided that it was Chrismas so it should be happy. Who wants a nightmare on Chrismas night?

"Happy," I said.

"Okay." Connor relaxed a little as he began to tell the story. "Once upon a time there was this boy, a boy who thought the world was cruel. He thought it was full of hate and sorrow because of the people that surrounded him."

"This sounds like a sad story," I interrupted.

"Hush," Connor scolded, slightly smiling. "Okay, so that was what he thought. However, he decided the world wasn't so cruel because of his little sister. She was a beautiful little thing, full of smiles and cheerful words. No matter how bad the boy's day was, the girl always brought a smile onto his face. That was his sunshine in the storm known as the world."

Connor suddenly paused. Stiffening in where he sat. I was about to get off of him, but he continued.

"They were close, extremely close. For some reason the girl thought of him as a role model, so she followed in his every steps. Even the wrong steps. The boy never minded that, but one day he realized how wrong that was. You see, one day the boy made a huge mistake that nearly cost him his life. Luckily he survived, but his little sister who followed in his steps didn't. She died, leaving the boy alone and full of hatred. That didn't last forever though. One day he realized that his little sister was in a better place. She was now with the angels who were just as beautiful as her, not the cruel people of earth. That's why the boy is okay. His little sister deserves people like that."

I blinked slowly, sleep was getting to me but I was shocked. This story was pretty sad.

"That wasn't a happy story," I said. "It was pretty sad."

"Think of the little sister," Connor said. "She's in a beautiful place now."

I frowned. "She died though."

Connor stiffened beside me again, and I couldn't help but move away from him slightly to see his expression. However, as I tried to do that he put an arm around me and pulled me closer. My heartbeat accelerated.

"Let's just say she had a happy ending," he said calmly. "Okay?"


I closed my eyes tiredly. I wasn't in the mood to argue. Everything felt so comfortable and just right. I wished I could always spend my evenings like this. Actually, I wished my life could just feel like this. Whenever I was around Connor everything felt okay. Smiling, I let myself fall asleep.

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