Fat Girl Problem 26: Valentine's Day

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It was Valentine's Day. A day that I was excited for, but not anymore. Brad hadn't made any plans. He hadn't even called me today to wish me. It stung, even though I told myself him being my boyfriend was good enough.

Sighing, I lay down on my bed and just stared at the blank white ceiling. I was bored and left with my depressing thoughts. What a wonderful way to spend Valentine's Day. Just lovely.


I got up as I heard my dad call me. Groaning, I went downstairs. I wasn't in the mood to do anything that involved filling the void with family. That was what I usually did on Valentine's Day due to my dad's suggestion.

Once I got downstairs, I was surprised to see my dad grinning from ear to ear. He winked at me and then pointed at the door. Before I could ask him anything, he just went upstairs.

Frowning, I went to the door to see who it was. When I opened the door I began to grin from ear to ear, just like me dad. It was Brad, holding a box of chocolate. The price of one dollar was still on it, but I didn't care. I just couldn't believe he came.

"Happy Valentine's Day Quinn," Brad said, smiling warmly.

My smile grew as he handed the box of chocolate to me. I opened the door wider, so he could then come in. As he was about to step in, I spotted a single rose laying on the ground behind him.

"Wait," I said. "I think you dropped that rose."

Brad quickly looked behind him and then frowned as he looked back at me.

"I didn't buy a rose."

I began to frown as I stepped outside to pick up the rose. There was a note on the rose, so I read it. To my surprise the note said; To Quinn Jones. A smile instantly formed on my lips. Someone had given me a rose?

"It's for you?" Brad asked, frowning.

"Yeah," I replied, admiring the rose.

"Who's it from?"

I shrugged. "No idea."

I was in shock. Honestly I had no idea of who would send me a rose. A part of me felt like it could be Thea or Cece, but they would of told me beforehand. That brought a series of questions to my mind, but I pushed them away. Today should be Brad and I's day.

Brad was frowning at me. But when I stepped inside he seemed to snap out of his thoughts.

"Wait, if you don't mind could we go to my house?" he asked.

"Sure," I said, trying not to hide my discomfort.

I was uncomfortable with these things. In my entire life I had never been to a guy my ages house. That was why I was kind of nervous to go to his. Shaking my head, I realized how stupid that was. Nothing would happen. We were just going to hang out.

Together we then drove to his house. I was saddened to see that the sun was setting outside. Brad had chose to come at around 6 o'clock, which meant we didn't have much time together. I wished he came earlier. I still needed to make my feelings for him stronger too.

In ten minutes we reached his house. It was empty and I found myself actually not nervous about that. In the ten minutes I spent with him to go there I relaxed. Brad was my boyfriend and I was comfortable around him for the most part. That made the situation better.

"Let's go upstairs," Brad said once we took of our coats.

"Okay," I said.

We went upstairs and it was dim. I followed after him, confused by why everything was so dark. Frowning, I watch him open a door.

I gasped as he held the door open. What was inside the room was simply beautiful. From what I could tell it was his bedroom, but it was illuminated by lights surrounding the room. There were also Valentine decorations hung up. The whole room looked so romantic and I found my heart skipping a few beats.

"Do you like it?" he asked, smiling charmingly.

"I love it," I said honestly.

He led me into the room and I was still in awe by everything. I couldn't believe he did all this for me. It totally made up for him not spending the entire Valentine's Day with me.

"Sit on the bed," he suddenly said.

I obeyed without a word. The room had totally awestruck me. I kept staring at my beautiful surroundings.

Suddenly, Brad stood in front of me. He gazed down at me and I looked up at him. His blue eyes were illuminated by the light of the candles, they were an electric blue. I stared at them, struck by their beauty. In that second I realized something. I actually might really like him.

Brad began to lean in and I was too lost in his eyes to realize what was happening. His soft lips pressed against mine softly. I nearly gasped, but then I thought better of it and kissed him back. Our lips moved in sync for a bit, and I realized I really liked this. I really liked the feeling of his lips against mine. My first kiss was worth it so far.

After a few seconds, Brad began to kiss more roughly. I realized I really liked this as well. As we kissed like this, he began pushing me back so that I was now laying on the bed. I didn't think much of it, all I could think about were his lovely lips.

However, as his lips left mine, they began to kiss the crook of my neck and his hands ran down my side. I shivered, but then reality hit me. He was trying to go somewhere I didn't want to go.

Embarrassed, I said, "Brad, I'm not ready."

He didn't reply, he just kept doing what he was doing. Blush filled me cheeks. I knew that I was eighteen and I should be ready, but I wasn't. This was definitely something I wouldn't give up anytime soon.

"Brad, stop," I said more assertively.

He still didn't stop, so I yelled, pushing him away, "Stop!"

The second he was away from me, his eyes darkened. He glared at me with such hatred that I shrunk back. This was not the boy I was dating. I didn't know this guy.

"Fuck you!" he suddenly yelled.

My eyes widened in shock. What did he just say?

"Fuck you! I'm so tired of trying! I don't like you! I never did! I just wanted to prove to my friend that I could screw the fat girl!" he shouted.

My eyes widened even larger and they began to water. Oh my god. I should of known he was too good to be true.

"Get out," he demanded. "I never want to see you again."

Without a word, I obeyed. My cheeks were inflamed, but I didn't care. I was too stunned to feel or say anything right now. Why is this happening?

Once I was outside in the cold, I allowed tears to escape my eyes. Connor was right. I was naive. I thought Brad was different and look how that turned. Honestly, I was such an idiot. I hate myself. I hate my fat self. Those were the only thoughts going through my mind.

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