Fat Girl Problem 15: Double Dates Part 1

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Thea and I had finished getting ready for our double date at my house. This time I chose to wear a skater skirt that was a colour of my eyes and a black t-shirt. My outfit must of looked wrong though, because Thea gave me a dirty look.

"What are you doing?"

I looked down at my outfit. "What?"

"Sweetheart, you need to tuck your shirt in. You look ridiculous," she said, smiling sweetly.

I looked down at my outfit again. Ouch. She was awfully blunt. But, I couldn't listen to her. If I tucked in my shirt my "jelly rolls" would be on display. Not to mention my love handles. If Brad saw me he'd run.

"Uh, I..." I began.

I couldn't finish the rest of the sentence. The thing was that if you called yourself "fat", people felt the need to tell you otherwise. It was sweet of them to try, but I knew what I was. That was why it annoyed me more than secured me.

"Let me do it," Thea suddenly insisted.

Before I could deny, Thea began to help me tuck in my shirt. A part of me knew I'd regret it, but whatever. Brad wasn't shallow since he asked me out. Hopefully he wouldn't run off.

"Okay, we're officially ready!" Thea exclaimed once we finished. "We look cute!"

I smiled as Thea twirled around in front of the mirror. The truth was she looked gorgeous. We decided to match, so she was wearing a green skater skirt and a white crop top. Even though both our skirts matched our own eye colours, for Thea it enhanced hers. Honestly they looked so green that I found myself wanting to stare at them forever. My eyes just looked the everyday dull blue colour. Sighing, I saw that tucking in my shirt did expose my fat.

Ignoring that, I called for my dad. He came right away, but he frowned when he saw me. Oh god. I must look bad.

Despite that my dad teased happily, "So you're finally going out with Connor. How dare you steal my love sweetheart. That wasn't how I raised you."

I blushed. Well this is awkward.

"Actually he's Thea's date," I corrected. "My date is Brad."

My dad frowned, but he quickly replaced it with a smile. "Oh, well how dare you steal my love Thea."

Thea laughed, even though I knew she felt uncomfortable. "Sorry sir."

My dad smiled and led us to the car. It was finally time to go on our date.

After a long ride of Thea blabbing about Connor, we were finally here. Here being an arcade called Crash. I was kind of nervous to go here for our date, more nervous than I was when Brad and I went to Frankie Tomatoes. I'd never really played arcade games, so I was afraid I'd look stupid. Hopefully that didn't happen.

"They're over there!" Thea exclaimed, pointing to a red car.

I looked over and saw Brad and Connor standing in front of the car. Connor didn't look happy as he stared off into the distance, but Brad seemed extremely happy. That was why I preferred Brad over Connor at times. Negativity wasn't fun.

Thea and I walked over to where they stood. Brad saw us first and walked to us. Connor slowly realized we were here and walked to us too. His expression remained the same - until he saw me. When he saw me he frowned and I began to feel uncomfortable. I must look really bad.

Once they reached us Brad opened his mouth, but he quickly shut it as he saw Connor walk up to me. Without a word Connor began to make my tucked in shirt a little less tucked. I began to frown, but I soon realized what he was doing. Connor was trying to make me look better. I was thankful, even though I didn't show it.

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