Chapter one

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I wouldn't cry. Never.

Even if I found myself on a pirate's ship on my way to a place called Neverland. This place was supposed to be impossible to escape. Or at least close to impossible. So obviously a great place to go to instead of trying to go away as long as HE wouldn't get us.

I barely heard them talking about HIM. But in the end nobody cared to give me any information.

Henry was everyone's favorite. Everyone in Storybrooke loved and adored him. He was such a smart kid and had such a pure mind. One could definitely say he was the truest believer out of all. But that made things worse for me. I've never been as high ranked as Henry was. Everyone expected more from me. I was older, I should have known things better. Nobody ever even cared to ask me how I was doing, how I could handle all the things that happened around me. They just assumed I could take all that because I'm older. But nobody ever realized I was just a child like him. We had the same childhood. We grew up the same way. I was simply older.

It's not like I didn't love my brother. I did. I loved him with my whole heart and I knew it was never his intention to be everyone's favorite. But it hurted knowing that my own mom loved her adopted son more than her actual daughter.

Facts were that I could've disappeared every time without anyone noticing. They wouldn't ask where I went or when I come back because they simply wouldn't care.

It was the reason why I felt like crying most the time. I was scared they'd actually abandon me sooner or later. The fear made me impulsive, always on tense.

Now, pushed on a ship with a bunch of people who would love to give my life up to safe Henry's, it felt even worse. Constant fighting and yelling from everyone. I wanted them to stop. I wanted to ask what exactly was going on but whenever I tried to talk to one of them, they would get even more mad, saying that this was none of my business.

As if my own brother was none of my business. As if I sat on a pirate's boat because I couldn't imagine anything better. I was there to save Henry aswell but apparently nobody seemed to care about that.

After some moments of holding my hands over my ears, trying to blur out the yelling, I felt horribly dizzy. My vision began to spin and I could barely breath. Something was wrong. But I wasn't able to scream for help. There was no sound coming out of me. I couldn't do anything but sit there, trying to breath, trying to lower my racing heart.

Just when I finally, after what felt like hours of pain and surviving, calmed myself down again, we arrived at Neverland. I gulped, realizing how huge the island was.

One after another stepped of the Jolly Roger, Hook's ship, and they gathered around at the beginning of the island. I was just about to get of the ship, too, when Emma suddenly pushed me back.

"Your staying on the ship. It is a too high risk with having Pan ruling this place." She ordered before she turned back to face the other's. It felt like a stab in my stomach. I was old enough. I could help. I wanted to help. After all it was my brother they were talking about.

"But he's my brother-", I tried to protest but Mom cut me off.

"No more protest. You're staying here and that's it. We don't need even more to take care of." Her words burned throw my skin, aching on my heart. I was the even more to take care of part.

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