Chapter five (long chapter)

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I yawned as I opened my eyes. Tiredness still layed over me, not wanting to leave my body. Someone's arms were wrapped around me, making my body tense in fear.

 I raised my head, glancing at him. Pan's eyes were closed but I assumed he was awake the way he held me that tight. With all my strength I tried to press myself out of his grip. Just when I was about to be finally free he let go of me, making me fall out of his grip to the ground.

"You could've just asked." Pan whispered, making me glare at him.

"You could've just told me you were awake." I fired back, lifting myself of the ground. A smirk appeared on his face as he pushed himself up aswell.

"Oh come on! You knew I was awake." Some would've admitted he had a point there but to not look like the dumb one I simply turned the other way, intending to leave this conversation.

I made my way through the trees, exploring my surroundings. Behind me, I heard Pan. He followed me, watched me. It was somewhat strange but I knew he had no idea what was on my mind. He couldn't know if I intended to run again or not. I did not. Not before I would finally see Henry.

A few meters away stood a boy, throwing a dagger in the air and catching it again. My eyes widened, fearing he might hurt himself but also being fascinated on how he could catch it so easily. Being the person I am, I quickly walked up to him.


"Don't you fear to hurt yourself?" I asked, tilting my head slightly to the side. He turned towards me, a smile plastered on his face.

"Hurt myself? Not at all." He answered, throwing the dagger up in the air and catching it on the sharp side. He then held it towards me, his eyes sparkling on the moonshine.

"Intending to try-" He asked, his eyes tracing down my face until they reached my neck, "Or you know what? Let's better not do this."

I glanced at him in confusion as he turned away from me, his eyes focused on the ground. His behavior was odd.

"What's wrong?" I wondered, stepping closer to him. He immediately backed away, leaving me actually clueless.

"I'm not allowed to talk to you before Pan allows it." He whispered. I felt something inside me raging. Anger. Without another word I turned around, making my way right back to Pan who acted as if he'd never seen this place before, his eyes focused somewhere in the trees. Quite unbelievable for someone who lived here.

"Pan!" I growled, crossing my arms infront of my chest. He turned his head towards me. In his face layed everything I needed to know. He knew why I was mad and what I figured out.

"Are you kidding me? What am I supposed to do all the time when I can't even talk to anyone?" I thundered, making him chuckle slightly.

"Just keeping you safe, love. But if you want to talk to Devin I'm allowing it." I gave him a deathstare. Should I be lucky that some stranger, some idiotic demon allows me to talk to others? Unbelievable.

"Oh thanks a lot!" I hissed, my words filled with sarcasm. He returned my deathstare.

"You are definitely more peaceful when you sleep." My cheeks flushed red at his words, remembering how and where I slept.

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