Chapter three

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We've been walking for a few moments without saying a word. I scanned everything he did, trying to find his weakness. He had to make some mistake. But for now I knew he was constantly having his attention on me, even if he walked infront.

"Soo-- your Felix, right?" I asked, trying to not be too obvious at my escaping plan.

"I am. And you are?" He answered without even turning to look at me. I thought for a moment before answering his question. It was never good to give your enemy personal information but since Pan already knew my name it made no difference in the end.


"Henry's sister?" He asked, stopped and finally turned to look at me. The way he suddenly changed his behavior made me somewhat uncomfortable.

"Uhh y-yeah. Why?" I stammered, not understanding his surprised glance.

"You just don't look much like him." He answered and I felt my heart beating again. I already assumed horrible things and all he said was that I didn't look much like him?!

"He's not my actual brother. My mom adopted him when he was still a baby." I answered, suddenly feeling like giving him all that information was maybe not the best idea. But now, since I already said it, it was to late to keep my mouth shut.

Shit! We did I always have to be the dumb one? It was probably my mom's main reason for preferring Henry over me. Probably everyone's reason.

"Oh well that definitely explains some things."

Felix turned back and continued walking again. I followed him and focused my thoughts back on my escaping plan. Maybe if I just found a way to distract Felix, I could run.

"I've got another question." I chimed, trying to get some information aswell as long as I wouldn't find an escape possibility.


"What? Why?" I glared it him in anger, knowing he had no good reason to deny my question before I even asked it.

"Because I'm certainly not quite interested in talking to you."

"I'm gonna ask anyway. Where are we going?" He chuckled slightly and raised his hand, showing to a hill in the distance.


"What?! Do you see how far this is?" I shouted and immediately stopped moving.

"No way I'm going until there." I heard him groan in annoyance before turning back to me.

"Will you stop arguing now?" I glared at him in anger before letting myself fall to the ground. There I sat, satisfied with how things were working out for me.

"Get up! I don't want to miss him because of you." For a second I thought about denying his command but then it suddenly hit me. He was going to meet someone. Maybe Henry.

"I'll get up if you tell me who we're going to meet." I replied, waiting for his reaction. I knew my behavior was silly, probably dumb but I could only allow myself this behavior as long as Pan was not there. It was different around him.

"Ugh fine. We're going to meet Rumplestiltkin." Felix answered and glanced at me obviously waiting for me to get up.

"Rumple?! No!" I yelled and lifted myself of the ground. That was bad. Out of all people I hated on Hooks ship, Rumple was number two. Right after Emma. They were both really untrustworthy and I believed that something was wrong with Rumple. Like seriously for Henry being his grandson he always gave of the weird feeling as if he wanted to kill him. I just couldn't quite understand on which side he even was.

"Yes Rumple. Now let's go. If we miss him, I'll blame you."

"I'm gonna make you wish you were dead if you dare to take me to Rumple." I hissed, glaring at him with a mad look on my face.



"You already did the first two seconds I met you." A gave him a death stare, not even feeling like fighting him anymore. His comment was absolutely unnecessary and literally ruined my whole killing mood. In case such a mood ever existed.

"Aren't you a lovely boy." I simply laughed in a fake way and rolled my eyes.

How the hell did I ever ended up in this situation? It was not even close to find Henry but having sarcastic discussion with Pan's buddy.

We've been walking for almost half an hour when I felt myself slowly getting tired. Not quite unbelievable thinking of the fact that it was in the middle of the night by now.

"Felix?" I asked and he tilted his head to look at me. It was the first time he didn't look annoyed at all.

"What is it?" He replied, slowing down his tempo a bit.

"I'm tired. When are we there?" He laughed at my words and glanced at me.

"Soon, don't worry. Maybe five more minutes? So better be quiet now because we want to have the surprise effect when we're finding him." He explained and I simply nodded, not feeling in the mood to give a sarcastic comment to this.

Suddenly I heard a few sticks breaking in the distance. Felix immediately pressed his hand on my mouth and pulled me off the path. I wanted to free myself out of his grip, most likely to breath freely, but it was impossible. Just then I saw him. Rumple.

He slowly stepped forward, his eyes focusing his surroundings. It was obvious he knew we were there. Well he probably didn't assume me but surely Felix or Pan. Then he sat down on a log, a smirk plastered on his face.

"Come out, dearie!" He called, making Felix shift behind me. He put his hand of my mouth and gestured me to stay silent. I nodded, knowing that I couldn't risk Rumple finding me if I wanted to see Henry. Even if we were here for the same reason I trusted him from like my feet to the ground.

Felix slowly stepped out of the bushes and made his way down to Rumplestiltskin.

"Hello Rumplestiltkin. And welcome to the island." Rumple gestured his famous magical hand move before rolling his eyes in annoyance.

As much as I wanted to know more, I knew this was the best chance I could get. Slowly, without making any sound, I sneaked away from them. This was my escape. If Pan could adjust the game rules to however he wanted them to, I was allowed to do the same.

When I thought of myself being far enough, I started to run. I had no actual idea where, just away. As far away as possible.

I ran as fast as I could. My feets were flying over the ground. Sticks cracked. Branches broke. Birds flew away as I ran past them. But I didn't stop.

My moving continued for about two hours. There was no break except of the changing between jogging and actually running.

But after those two hours I found myself in the middle of a forest. I had no idea where I was or how to get back to the ship. The only thing I had on my mind was fear. If Felix or Pan found me out here, I'd be dead. I regretted not rushing to Rumplestiltskin as soon as I saw him. He might would've been able rescue me. But I didn't want him to see me because I actually didn't trust him. Just silly me realizing now that I also don't trust Pan or Felix.

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