Chapter eight

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„Now, you and I are going to have a little chat."

I glared at the ground, his eyes were burning through my skin. The silence between us seemed to grow more threatening with every second. Air stood still, animals went silent, nothing. A deathly, silent nothing and that nothing was filled with so much. I sucked in a deep breath of air.

„Alright, stop glaring at me already!" I growled and finally raised my head to glance at him. He mustered me with a certain coldness in his eyes.

„Are you going to talk on your own or do I have to help it?" Just the way his voice was so calm, so relaxed and it yet managed to appear more threatening than anything else, made me shiver. I tried to make a step back but his hand was still holding my wrist, not allowing me to move away.

„Let go of me, please." He chuckled.

„I will, love. Just talk to me and I'll let you go." I shook my head, frustation slowly rising inside me.

„I don't wanna talk..." My voice was barely louder than a whisper but I knew Pan still managed to hear me. His gaze slowly got colder, hiding its soft side from me. He pulled at my wrist, making me stumble closer to him in a sudden movement.

"Well I want you to talk and one of us certainly has a bit more power here." Pan stated, a mischievous grin appearing on his lips.


"Very funny. Talk. Now." He growled.

"It's just...I don't want you to put my brother in danger. I just got him back from you." I tried to explain, realizing that I should've probably start at the beginning of all things he wanted me to talk about.

"I figured." Pan answered. "But he needs to find his place here. I can't play soft on him for eternity."

"Why not?" Pan chuckled at the way my voice sounded. Maybe a bit childish but I really did not see any issue with him just being kind to Henry and me until I could find a way to save Henry.

"Why not? Because I can only be soft to one of you two. I can either be nice to you or to Henry and based from what I saw, you definitely need it more than he does." I gasped, for a short moment actually feeling offended by his words.

"Hey! I don't need some sort of protection from you. Or your pity. I want you to be nice to Henry."

"Oh? You don't want protection? Honey I don't want you to become pregnant, you know."

"What- that's not- oh my God- I didn't mean it like that! You know what I meant!" Pan laughed amused, his eyes still on me.

"I know, love. I was just messing with you for a moment. But fine, if you don't want my kindness, let's play rough then." I knew that this was a terrible idea. I knew that I would definitely regret it. And yet I agreed, thinking Henry would have to be protected from Pan, not me.

"Go hunting!" I stared at him for a second. My brain did not process his words.


"You did not want my kindness. So get used to my normal state and go hunting. Now." I felt like a part of me died in that moment. Tears formed in the corners of my eyes. He really knew how to be cruel.

"I can't do that..." he raised his eyebrows, his mimic did not show the slightest sign of care for me.

"You can't do that? Fine. Then get in the cage and stay there for the next three days."

I did not move. Not because I didn't understand but because I felt so dumbfounded by his sudden change of character. It was like I suddenly couldn't tell at all who he was.

"A cage? Y-You want me to-"


"Ohh...umm...okay." I mumbled and watched Pan starting to move towards the forest. There was no one saying it out loud but we both knew that this situation wouldn't end well.

Our way through the forest was uncomfortably silent but not very long at last. We reached the cage that, as I only figured now, did not look very comfortable and I climbed inside. Pan closed it and made sure I couldn't come back out on my own. Then he glanced at me for a moment.

"Remember, you wanted this. I didn't want to be like this to you, my love." His voice were much more soft now and the moment I looked into his eyes I really felt like he was being serious. Like he really cared.

Then he turned around and left without saying another word. I was left behind.

And suddenly it was just the way my life was before. Trapped, cold and uncomfortable. Just this time I felt so much more uneasy about it. Maybe my mind had already accepted Pan in my life. Maybe I shouldn't have been so naive to put some of my trust in him.

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