• 9 • hushed kisses; love that pussy

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You stand in the parking lot with Jimin still staring at you in awe. It's uncomfortable but you get the guy, he's just heard two, straight A students fucking in the library. Some really irreverent fucking. Obviously, he never knew the cold topper of the class could be this driven while having sex.

Even though Jimin already suspected it but hearing both of you in the back of the library wasn't an easy experience to recover from. He was stuttering so much throughout the whole way down from the library to the parking lot. This time, Jungkook took the initiative to hold you close to him, his face filled with superiority.

He had jogged away to take out his motorcycle from the parking, leaving you back with Jimin, who was still tongue-tied. You chuckle seeing him not meeting your eyes.

"So, you heard us fuck. What's the big deal? Just keep your mouth shut," you state, boldly, not being able to take the awkwardness.

"Ye-Yeah," he stuttered again.

"Will you cut that out?" You howl.

"Alright, alright. Your man's here, you should go," he says, his eyes somewhere behind you. And, surely, a stunning, hefty motorcycle is zooming towards you. Tar-black, just like the owner. It's lean but manages to look chunky. Tires massive, can crush you to death. The weight of it hits you in the face. If Jeon manages to lift that up and actually ride it, how fucking strong is he?

As it comes closer, you notice the squeaky clean metal, radiant. You've always known the motorcycle is very special to him, keeps it spotless. Not a scratch on it. The horsepower of this mobile is sure to make your heart lurch because you've never ridden on something so fast.

He hands you a helmet similar to his. You're expected to get on after that. His leather jacket, motorcycle, stud man with piercings and tattoos air instantly settles down inside you. How did you land a man like him? Didn't your parents warn you about such guys? He's really very hot, can't help it. Perhaps, it's because you meet him so often that you got used to him and think he's cute sometimes. But, if someone meets him occasionally, they're definitely not going to think he's cute. He's scary and intimidating on the first go. You're always cheeky and trying to loosen him up but his entire personality goes with his traits.

The minute you sit down, your entire body is almost tossed backwards as the motorcycle vrooms, the vibrations of the motor shake your entire body. He's speeding out of the campus. You shriek, scared of his dashing speed. He hits the breaks, all of a sudden, jerking your body ahead, landing flat against his hunched back. On purpose, just so you fall on him. Typical. A bundle of butterflies start dancing the ballet under your skin, your nervousness mixing with ruddy blushes.

Once your hands are secured around his waist and you're nearly hanging on him for your dear life, he turns the accelerator and has flown out of the campus with you. His large Balenciaga boots rested on the stand given behind, he's bending with a correct posture and making you soar through the wind; just like Aladdin did to Jasmine with the Magic Carpet. You giggle at yourself for imagining him as an Arabic prince. Well, you believe you're as sexy as Jasmine but your waist is certainly not as svelte as hers.

Your fingers fist up his leather jacket when he zooms past the traffic. All the fun doesn't make the fear go away. Each time he gets near a car, you think you're going to crash which makes you close your eyes and hide behind him. When nothing happens, you peek from behind his shoulder to find him still driving as elegantly as he was. Not at all bothered by traffic. Maybe it's because you're riding it for the first time, you'll get used to it after a few more.

He'll let you ride...

When he curves a left, you can't help but think that he's going a bit faster on purpose, missing the cars by a few so you will touch and snuggle into him a little harder. Jerk. Nonetheless, you're laughing because of the thrill. Not sure what to feel but one thing's for sure that you can get a free roller-coaster type ride whenever you want.

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