• 26 • sweet nothings

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The staff at Beads was losing it.

Mr. Chopra, who still spoke inarticulate Korean, had to fish out his inhaler. Yes, that's right. Everyone was spellbound as soon as Jungkook's wide hand enclosed around your waist.

Had to take a few moments to catch breath yourself, he looked dashing. Against the black interior of the fashion show's theme, he seemed perfectly at home. Merging with the hellish black as if it was his own soul he was melding into. The black bow behind the chair, which was added to match the couture's fashion, looked like wings of Icarus on his back.

Sleek, bold, deadly.

You know he had worn more earrings than he usually does, he had set his hair more sexily than he usually does. And, that was all because he wanted you to feel today was special. You had worked so hard for it. The backstage management was not easy. Putting up with different heads and keeping a check on the money going into this event was a huge task. Even though you were just help, it seemed like you had been a full-time worker for the past few days.

You had missed him so much...

Just because of this hard work, the firm had decided to include a makeover for all their dear employees and interns. Zaire handed you a dress from the last collection. It wasn't outrageous, thank heavens because the designer was reputed for making unique designs which were unconventional. This dress showed just the right amount of skin and that was fine by you, more fine by your boyfriend. She told you to lose the hideous bracelet, you told her that the day this bracelet comes of your wrist will be the day you die. Not even then.

You know she was correct, the little black dress did not go with colorful beads. Straps on the back. Make up done by Hugo. Today was the most ethereal you had ever looked in your life. And, usually thinking stuff like this—about being beautiful—makes you giddy, shy and insecure too.

Today was different.

You could feel your heart skip beats as soon as you stepped into Jungkook's line of vision.

His chocolatey eyes flushed with delight but immediately darkened as they traveled down. Fuck. Raking you whole, consuming you from all sides and telling everyone with just a glare that you were his.

When he pulled you closer, as if securing you and him safely into a vault, your cheekbones hurt because of the smitten smiles. Rough force, that's him. Determined grip and pull into him, keeping you close so you didn't spend even a minute away without touching him. Too hot to handle. It was hard for you too. The unsolicited arousal.

A firm kiss on your lips. Enclosing suck where he claimed them in front of everyone making people sigh content in the background.

Yes, you did wish the floor would part and bury you in itself.

Daisies and lilacs flowered down on your attractively rested eyelashes. Everything halted. His touch spoke wonders. His touch spoke more than he ever did.

His touch was love.

Forever locked us, lovers sang hymns.

Then, when you were just about to fall due to weakness, he pulled away.

"You're stunning. Love you so much."

Yeah, knees buckled but he didn't let it show. Just smirked and curled your swishy hair behind your ears.

Rest of the night was light as a breeze. As far as your knowledge in fashion could take you, the fashion show was praise-worthy. Mrs. Hwang, Soon, Pak, basically everyone was passing knowing grins when Jungkook would hold your hand or press a soft kiss, just you know to comfort you. You did tell them you didn't have any romantic interests and at that time, it was true.

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