• 10 • bracelets, polaroids and pinterest aesthetics

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This morning you got two messages.

First: Your old dorm roomies were calling you to hang out with them for an evening, it was a Saturday.

Second: A newly launched enterprise had offered you an internship! Woohoo!

The second news was obviously great. Elicited a genuine jovial hum from you, you're ready for the day. They were going to take an interview but you're 70% in, the interview is just a formality. Things were turning up for the good. In the last semester, people are sure to get internships and you were one of the first people to get it.

Couldn't wait to inform Jungkook. Will he happy? You were chowing down cereal(with banana bits) while sitting on the kitchen island and he was in the washroom. And, you really wanted to go out with your roomies. Missed them. They didn't study in your Uni, the dorm was a mix one for all students. So, you got paired up with students of the neighboring Unis too. Over the years, all of you had made a friendship, there aren't other options when you lived with other people.

Olaf marches out from his room, barely looking at you and heading for the fridge. Is he going to drink so early in the morning? You were proved wrong when he picked out an apple from inside. Biting right into it, he takes out his phone from his pocket and starts walking to the balcony. That's when you stop him.

"Kuk- Jungkook, wait," you call out, mouth full of cereal.

He turns around and gives you a glare while chewing.

"I've some good news!" You cheer, giving him a billion dollar smile. "Well, two, but who's counting?"

Looked like he was. Not a word left him. You shuffled over nervously.

"I-I got an in-internship at Beads," you disclose, nervous but very excited. You're going to start earning more. This is surely a good news for any student your age.

He shakes his head a little, "Nice." Turns around to start leaving again.

"Wait! That's all you got? Nice? Can't you give me a hug or something? Congratulate me?...Kiss me?" You look down awkwardly. Asking for it was more difficult than actually giving it. You felt ashamed of yourself.

He took two long strides and extended his hand out. You looked at it in confusion and slid yours into it, unsure. A shake to it, he tipped his head. "Congratulations," he said. Left your hand and was going to go away again.

"Jungkook!" You yell behind him but sigh. Nothing can be done. He gave you a handshake, be thankful for that. He's a good person, that's all that matters. Closing his eyes, he turns around a little annoyed. Giving a sharp glare, asking you to speak it out fast so he can go.

"My old dormmates want to hang out. Can I go out with them tonight?"

It may seem like you're asking for permission but you're not. He doesn't mind, he lets you do whatever you want because it's not like he's your boyfriend or anything. But, you're just informing him. To see if he's okay with you going away somewhere, without him. He doesn't have friends so he doesn't get invited and he doesn't mind the least. You thought about bringing him with you but, let's be real, it'll be awkward. Your friends want it to be a fun gathering where everybody has a blast. If Jungkook's there, we'll be under constant pressure to make him feel included when he doesn't even want to be there. Everyone would be a little guarded cause he just has that effect.

He gives you a look, checking you out from head to toe before tipping his head and moving out in the balcony. Like he didn't even care if you went away. Like he wouldn't even notice. Your eyes finally fill up with tears. Deep breaths. That's how you keep tears in. You throw your head back so the tears don't drop out and inhale deeply till they vanish. When they're finally gone, you pull down your head and shake it. "You're a weird one, Y/N, even for yourself," you comment on yourself before skipping behind the kitchen island to complete your cereal.

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