Chapter 2

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Hunter's pov

I parked my motorcycle and walked into the building. People were scattered all around like a bunch of bugs as always. I ignored the females saying hi to me and sat on one of the benches outside.

No one usually goes in the back and no one would think I'd be there so it was a safe zone for Hunter Hays.

I leaned back and closed my eyes trying to get some sleep. As soon as I closed my eyes I heard voices coming my way.


I pulled up my hood blocking my face and looked opposite way.

"Jeremy stop you're killing me! my ribs hurt"

That voice! that melodic gentle voice. Sounds like a drop of honey sweet to the ears makes my heart jump for joy every time.

I turned and looked in her direction. She looked as beautiful as ever. Her long blond hair was up in the messiest pony her beautiful ocean blue orbes shinning happily. Her smile nice and perfect her sweater all cute and baggy on her.

Then in the most awkwardest way our eyes locked. She stared for a while then her lips parted in shock soon her brows frowned and her eyes shifted toward bloody Jeremy.

"Morning Care Bear." I said through gritted teeth

She looked back at me for a good second then replied softly "Morning"

I got up and walked back inside.
Celeste's pov

I saw Jeremy standing at the entrance. He looked so hot I could've died.

"Hey Celeste" he said hugging me

I hugged back and breathed in his delicious smell. I know a little creepy but he smelled so nice.

"Hey Jeremy"

We walked outback and Jeremy kept making me laugh that my ribs began to hurt. I loved spending time with Jeremy even if it was a minute.

"Jeremy stop you're killing me! my ribs hurt" I said

I turned my head and saw Hunter sitting outside. That's just great.

I looked away then felt someone staring into my soul. So I turned my head and saw Hunter staring at me. I was surprised he was staring at me, why is he staring at me? At the moment he looked at peace and actually didn't look evil.

Then again it is Hunter he's probably thinking of another way to be a asshole to me. I frowned an looked at Jeremy who was still talking about god knows what.

"Morning Care Bear" Hunter spoke sounding... mad?

Is Hunter actually saying hi to me without cursing at me or throwing my stuff down first.

"Morning" I said quietly

Then he got up and walked inside.

What the heck was that? Awkward much!

Picture of Jeremy up top

The bad boys good girlजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें