chapter 41

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Celsete pov

Getting out my last class without everyone being in my way was the toughest thing I've had to do. No one wanted to clear the way for the cripple and it was actually annoying. I safely made it to my locker getting the books I needed for my next class.

"Uh Celeste?" a familiar voice called after me causing me to feel a bit sad again

I turned facing him, "hey Jeremy long time," i said giggling

"Yeah," he said scratching his head "I'm sorry about that"

"Yeah no it's fine Hunter is intimidating trust me i know " i said still faking a friendly laugh

I really wanted him to leave not that i wasn't enjoying talking to the only friend I've ever had but if Hunter saw me talking to Jeremy or Jeremy speaking to me he'd go off. He already warned him once, Hunter isn't a second chance kind of guy. I saw Jeremy just standing there looking at me kind of odd as if he felt pity for me. His eyes would sway from my eyes to my stomach then back again.

"Are you really pregnant for that pig?" he blurted out

"What?" i asked shocked where is this coming from "that's really rude of you"

"I'm sorry its just everyone was--" Jeremy was cut off by some tall girl pushing him to the side

"You little slut! I hope the baby dies" she yelled at me

"What baby?" i asked in a small voice

"You are so ungrateful, he gives you a ring for carrying his child and you thank him by flirting with Jeremy Runs?! You dirty scum bag of a bitch. Rot in hell. I could just break that other leg" she threatened scaring me.

I haven't done anything to her i don't even know her why is she so mad and ready to kill me? And what baby is everyone talking about? She came closer and put her hand on my shoulder.

"I could just easily break these skinny things you call arms and this right here, the unborn, one small--" for a second i felt her hand on my belly then it was gone but before she could finish Hunter cut her off

"Don't lay another finger on her," he said, thank god I thought to myself

She turned around and made a fist with her small hand. Hunter sped up coming towards us I looked over seeing Jeremy still here watching the show along with everyone else

"Hunter glad you're here," she said

"What do you think you're doing? Haven't i made it clear enough no one is to bother her about our relationship? It doesn't make sense why you're here being a parasite" he said

She smiled as if he gave her a compliment, "Hunter my sweet, you've got it all wrong. I was here very upset just as you should be" she said still smiling and walking around

"your little princess here was cooking up a stew with Mr. Runs see if i didn't come here in time they'd be licking each other like a dog licks his bowl clean"

"No Hunter that's not--" she cut me off

"Oh no princess don't wanna get thrown out the castle so soon?" she asked mockingly

Everyone laughed with her, why is she doing this? I looked up at Hunter who was evidently pissed and tugged on his hand he looked at me briefly then back at Jeremy.

"Hunter" i called "please don't " i said knowing he was about to go knock him upside down

"Jeremy go on, tell him" she said

"Tell him what? That i was speaking with my best friend please lizbet--" Hunter cut Jeremy off

"She isn't your best friend you lost that privilege a while ago buddy. I told you that night never to speak to her on any circumstance and here you are chatting up a storm " hunter said
Does he actually believe this jealous brat? "Hunter we weren't--"

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