Chapter 19

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Celeste pov

We rush down stairs and we see Mrs.Hayes battling with a little fire, Hunter immediately takes a kitchen towel and carefully puts it over the fire burning it out. When that's over he turns to his mother who is standing with a bowl of water in her hands.

"You cant put water on hot burning oil mother" he said taking the bowl from her

"Doesn't water stop fires?' she asks

Hunter turns and looks at her with a 'are an idiot?' expression, and i stifle a laugh, i can not take him seriously at all right now.

"I told you to just order something and act as if you cooked it, you know you can't cook mother" he exclaimed ignoring my laugh

she frowned "well, i did ask you for help, if you weren't busy sleeping all day maybe this wouldn't have happened! also if you weren't lip locking upstairs then you would've seen the trouble i was going through!" she yelled at him.

I stopped my giggling and flushed red, Hunter looked over at me and he too turned a shade pink, "I wasn't--" his mother cut him off almost immediately

"Oh tell that to your lipstick stained lips Hunter, you've got her lipstick smudged all about your face!" she said walking upstairs.

Hunter slightly chuckled then wiped his lips as best he could, "WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO ABOUT THE DINNER THEN?!" he yelled over to his mom who was already in her room.

"WE GO OUT!" she yelled back,

Hunter sighed then walked over to me, i heard him chuckle then he lifted my head making look at his beautiful eyes.

"I think i stole all your lipstick" he said smirking

"Yeah, uh i-it's cool" i said biting my lip, why am i so nervous right now?

"Hmm, don't do that love," he said

"Do what?" i asked dumbfounded

He smiled and shook his head "nothing," he said

He leaned in and implanted a small kiss on my lips then another and another. I have no idea what's been going on these past few days between me and Hunter but instead of me wanting to rip his tongue out his mouth i want to put it in mine O.o i know weird and a bit crazy... Something's gone horribly wrong and i can't quite understand.

"LET THE CHILD BREATHE HUNTER!" his mom yelled from upstairs.

He chuckled and left one last lingering kiss on my lips then walked upstairs, "Mind checking on my sister for me? I think shes playing with 'Lola'" he says chuckling  and entering his room.

I go into his sister's room and see her sitting on the floor playing with a dolly.

"Hi Chelly," i say

She turns and looks at me then frowns, oh okay... "what you playing?" i ask her

"You're mean!" she yells at me

What? how am i mean? i didn't do anything but ask her a question. "How?" i ask, she ignores me and continues playing with her dolly

"Lola thinks you're pretty but Lola is stupid, stupid Lola" she pouts

What the heck is going on here? "Whose, Lola?" i ask a bit frightened

"My bestfriend, she's right here" she points towards the wall...

I frown and look at the wall confused, Okay I've read about crazy people but I've never met one before and it's kinda creepy....

"Alright sweetie, well uh, do you mind leaving Lola for a bit and getting dressed all pretty for dinner?" i ask

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