chapter 20

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Celeste pov

I get outside and look up and down the street maybe she didn't run too far away, or what if she happened to just step out and someone kidnapped her! Oh my goodness i better put my head in the game.

I started walking opposite of the restaurant, "Michelle? yoohoo, where are you child?" i asked almost breaking my ankle, i held onto the wall and caught myself before i plummeted on the icy wet floor. It was then that i heard a little familiar giggle.

"Michelle!" i cried out and looked out into the dark alley, at first i didn't see anything but darkness, but then i heard a little sniffle and i saw her shiny necklace hit the lamppost opposite of us.

I slowly left the wall and headed for her, "Michelle, come here" i said 

"No, leave me alone" she said and ran out the alley and heading straight for Hunter who was standing there all of a sudden.

She looked up and saw Hunter, she was about to run off again but Hunter took hold of her tiny arm and he gripped it with force causing even me to wince in pain. She struggled to rip his paws off her but i knew too well that doing that only made him grip tighter.

"STOP!" he boomed through the whole street, she struggled a bit more ignoring him, he kneeled down and squeezed her shoulders instead and he shook her.

"Why the hell are you doing this Michelle?!" he yelled at her

"Hunter quit it!" i yelled and went over to them trying to get the little girl

She began sobbing again and he finally let go, she immediately turned and went to me for a hug. I hugged her and brushed her hair down as she cried on my shoulder. Hunter stood and turned his head breathing out exasperatedly.

"What the hell is wrong with you Hunter? how can you just shake her like that? she isn't a rag doll, she's a little girl and a sick one at that! are you okay in the head?!" i yelled at him

"Celeste, be quiet please, you have no idea what's going here just stay out of it" he barked at me

"And i suppose you know exactly what's wrong with her, shaking the life out her would make her answer you?" i said

"Just be quiet, please." he said

I scoffed "exactly" i said and kissed her head "it's okay, shush shush" i said to the crying child

"Give her to me," he said with the mean written all over his face.

"No," i said holding her tighter and she held me around my neck tighter

"She's not your sister, give me my sister!" he yelled and came in front of me

"I don't care, i'm not gonna let you hurt her" i said

He gave an evil smirk then he came and ripped her outta my hands so fast and turned away from me. She sobbed louder and cried for me.

"Hunter give her!" i yelled and walked to them

"Stay out Celeste!" he yelled

"Celeste!!!!" Michelle cried reaching for me

he snatched her arm down and put her standing on a bus seat bench, I came by him and reached for her.

"Why are you acting like this Michelle, answer me now or i leave you here alone!" he threatened

"You bastard! Michelle come here" i said trying to reach for her from over him

"Stop it damnit!" he yelled and pushed me hard aside, I stumbled backwards and fell right on my backside

"I give you 5 seconds then i leave Michelle" he said stern

"Because, you don't love me anymore! you like her more, you gave her all the attention and left me like mommy did! and now you guys are acting like mommy and daddy! screaming and hitting, you're scary Hunter, i wanna go to nanaaaa" she cried out.

I sat there heart broken as the child fell apart her cheeks damp and hollering, Hunter stood there like big bear staring at her pained. I looked at her and a tear escaped my eye.

"Im so sorry chelly,  i won't ever leave you like that. I'm sorry, I love you so much. Sh-she means nothing to me" he said first pointing at me then he embraced her in a hug.

I've had it, i got up from the floor brushed my behind and walked into the restaurant.

"Cel-" he began

"I'm ready to leave." i yelled back

I got in the restaurant and his mother was apparently in the rest room, the table was cleared already but my leftovers were in a to-go plate, i sat with my head down and hands folded on the table.

How could i even think for a second that he could be NICE and he could ever like me?! I mean this is Hunter we're talking about, my bully the cause to my problems, it's funny how someone else came into my life as soon as i lose someone, but does this really count as a lost? We never dated, but those kisses felt so real!

I looked up and saw him sitting there trying to peek at my face, i put my head up and he half smiled, i rolled my eyes and turned my head just then i saw his mom coming. I stood up took my plate and forced a smile on my face.

"Ready?" his mom asked smiling

"Yeah!" i said and we walked outside.


Outside my house

"It was a nice dinner, hope we can do this again" Mrs.Hayes said

"Yeah, it was a nice dinner, thanks for everything " I told her,

I don't want to this again ever, I can't spend anytime with them, I love the mother and chelly is okay, but hunter just kills everything for me.

"Goodbye " I say and walk to my front door.

"HEY Celeste, wait up" I heard hunter yell from behind me.

I roll my eyes and continue the door, I reach and was about to in my key when I was being whipped around.

"Hey, I said wait" he said looking down at me gripping my arm

"What you're doing to my arm is just nice, continue doing that and see if that'll make me fall for you " I said

He looked down at his hand that was squeezing my arm, then he let go, "I'm sorry, " he said

I scoffed and shook my head "Yeah I know you are " I said

"Look, about what happened outside the restaurant --" he began but I cut him off I didn't need his explanation

"Save it Hunter, back there you said what you felt was necessary at the time to cheer chelly up, but you didn't think of what that would do to me, you feel bad because she called you scary? Don't feel bad Hunter, she'll always love you regardless, this moment she'll forget, she'll forgive you. But me, no. I will not look past it,I will not forgive you. Do you think I can keep living like this being abused by you? You pushed me to the ground I could've broken my ankles or I could've hit my head on that lamp post. Then you said that I was nothing, nothing to you.. i could've been fooled with the way you kissed me, could've thought it was something.. but knowing you, you're just a player and I don't have time to get my heart broken by you and your stupid little games. So just leave me alone from now on Why don't you? Hunter I think it's official ,I hate the living shit out of you." I said with tears down my face.

"But--" he said,

"Goodnight " I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

I walked into my house and up to my room. I took a shower and cried myself to sleep.

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