Chap 10

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Hunter's pov

I parked my bike in Nana's driveway and as soon as I made my way to the door I heard Michelle running and screaming.

"HUNTER!!!" she yelled as I walked into the house

She gave me a huge hug and I hugged her back. It feels like I haven't seen her in months even though I saw her last weekend.

I hate this weekend thing. I wanna spend more time with her but the darn government won't allow me she's my own sister I should be able to spend time with her.

"Oh Hunter you're here already" my Nana says coming to give me a kiss.

"Hey Nana has she been a good little monkey?" I say messing with her hair

Nana smiles and Michelle giggles "Hey go get your stuff you're coming with me today!"


"Yes ma'am unless you don't wanna come" I say in a sad voice

"Ill be right back!" she squeals and runs to the other room.

"Is she better Nana?" I ask as soon as she's into the room

She shakes her head and gets me the bag of pills and vitamins

"Her seizures are much more frequent and uncontrollable instead of giving her half a pill in the morning give her a whole pill. For the ADHD give her one of these tablets keeps her really mellow. Before every shower put the grape smelling ointment in her water and after every shower put the oatmeal home maid lotion on her and keep her clothes clean the eczema got worse too. After that she'll be alright"

I nodded and put the bag of stuff in my sack. Then she came in running in with her stuff in hand.

"You ready?" I asked her excitedly


I smiled and took her hand. I kissed nana bye and we were on our way home.
Celeste pov

I got home and called Jeremy again. I waited for him to pick up but he never did. Maybe he's taking a shower.

I went to go take a shower and washed my hair. I dried up and wore nice little black floral dress that had little white flowers on it and I pulled out some black sandals and a white fitted cardigan.

I went to the bathroom and blow dried my hair then I straightened it out and wore a little black hair band that goes all around.

I went outside and before I started walking I called him again still he didn't pick up. I frowned and put the phone in my bag.

His house was right by Hunters they were only about four houses difference. I began walking, when I finally reached his house I saw that his car was there.

If he was home why the heck was he dodging my calls? Did I do something wrong?

I knocked on the door and his grandmother opened the door. She had dementia but she was pretty smart.

"Hi Nana is Jeremy okay" I asked her

"Jeremy is just fine, he's up stairs with a girl" she said teasingly then walked away snickering to herself

I stepped inside and my heart sank to the pit of my stomach. A girl? what girl is there with him? Does he already have a girlfriend? Maybe coming here was a bad idea... I should leave.

I turned around and was about to leave but something was telling me to go up there. At least say hi to him.

I went upstairs hesitantly. Once I got up to the last stair I stopped rethinking if I should go up. Maybe this isn't such a smart idea. I don't think I should go up there.

"Aren't you dating that Celeste girl?" I heard a girls voice say

"Celeste and me? No we aren't a thing" he said

"You guys sure do look like a couple"

I heard him chuckle "nah it's nothing like that between us. She's more like a sister to me."

A sister?! Me like a sister to you?! This is not real. I really like him and he thinks of me as a sister. No man noo.

"Then you wouldn't mind if I did this?"

It went silent for a split second and I was curious at what just happened in there.

"I don't mind"

Then it was silent again. Why are they being so quiet all of a sudden? What's going in there?

I was really curious and my heart was racing I had no idea if what I was going to see.

I turned the door knob and opened the door. To my surprise I saw Heather sitting on Jeremy's lap and they were lip locking.

To say I was sad is an understatement. I was beyond sad, beyond heart broken. It was as if I could feel my heart taking a fall all the way down and smashing I felt horrible.

"Oh, I'm sorry" I said biting down the pain and holding back the tears.

"Celeste?!" he said getting up

I didn't even let him get close enough to me I just hauled down the stairs as quick as possible. I didn't even make it outside yet and my cheeks were already streaming down with tears.

I wasn't even looking at where I was going I just needed to get away from him as soon as possible.

As I was getting away I smashed into someone and it actually hurt. I didn't look up because I didn't want whoever it was to see me crying even though whoever can probably guess I was. I just really needed to go home.

"Celeste?" The voice said I didn't look up knowing who it was already.

"Why are you crying?" he asked lifting my head to look at him.

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