Chapter 20. Getting Aria back

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"What did you just say?" Caleb asked turning around to face her. "I said don't you want to say goodbye to your childish girlfriend?" She repeated herself as two of her bodyguards brought out Aria who was screaming and bruised up.

"C-Caleb!" She screamed trying to escape from  the men who were holding her back. "Let her go!" Caleb yelled at his mother Andrea. She started laughing. "It isn't that easy son." Caleb started walking towards Aria to get her.

"Not so fast Caleb." She stepped in front of him stopping him from getting to Aria. "Get out of my way or I swear to god I will shoot you right in the head." He threatened her. He looked into her eyes seeing a hint of fear wash over them making him laugh.

Aaron looked at Caleb as if he was going mad as he watched him laugh humorously. "What the fuck is going on Caleb?" Aaron yelled feeling uneasy about this whole situation.

"She's scared of me can you believe that Aaron she trying to act all big and bad when in reality she's scared and the guilt is eating her alive."

While Caleb was explaining and distracting Andrea he took the chance to shoot both of the bodyguards that were holding Aria.

Caleb was about to shoot Andrea but Andrea quickly grabbed Aria who was running towards Caleb. "Let her go Andrea." He told her sternly.

Caleb was getting impatient with her. "D-Daddy p-please h-help m-me." Aria weeped tears rolling down her face.

Andrea pulled her gun out of her pants putting it to Arias head. "You ruined my whole life Caleb since the day you were born your father left me cause he hated you. He couldn't stand you if I can't be happy neither can you Caleb." She said angrily pushing the gun into Arias head.

Aria whimpered at the pain she had blood running down her face from the beating her father and mother did before Caleb captured them.

"Let her go." "No I'm not gonna let her go Caleb you don't deserve to be happy. I did everything for you and this is how you treat me." She began to cry Aaron was behind her the whole time watching to make sure Aria was safe.

"You don't deserve my respect or forgiveness you walked out on me when I was five years old and now out of nowhere you expect me to act like nothing happened."

"You were never a mother neither was my coward of father ever a father to me neither of you deserve my respect or forgiveness. Both of you deserve to rot in hell together." He yelled pulling his gun up to shoot her right in the head.

"You aren't gonna shoot me Caleb you don't have the guts to do it." Andrea tried to mock him. "Your really funny you know that I would kill anyone for her just so she could be back in my arms.""I don't think you know me as well as you think."

He could see the fear in her eyes as she looked at his face seeing he was smiling in an evil way not bluffing at all.

"Aaron has been the closest thing to family to me than you and my father have ever been. Shes mine and I'd kill myself before I let you kill her for your filthy miserable life." He walked closer towards her yanking the gun from her hands pulling Aria behind him.

"Aaron go take her in the car and wait for me there." He told Aaron while gripping Andreas arm hard causing her pain. Aaron quickly ran towards Aria ready to take her to the car like Caleb told him to.

"N-no I-I w-want t-to s-stay." Aria refused to leave Caleb side. "Go!" Caleb yelled forcing Aaron to take her back to the car.

"I've honestly been waiting for this day to come just to see the fear in your eyes when you finally see the monster you created in your son." He spit in her face his eyes cold as ice. She trembled in his presence fear surrounded her conscience.

"I'm so-sorry." She whimpers making Caleb laugh at her. "You really think I'm going to forgive you that easily after everything you've said and done to me."

He paused groaning in frustration as she fell onto the floor afraid of him. "I'm gonna enjoy killing you." He laughed like a psychopath.

He pulled his gun back out pointing it to her head. Before she could even protest or say anything he shot her right in the head killing her instantly. Spitting on her walking away from her dead body.

Caleb got into the back of the car where Aria was sitting waiting patiently for him to come back. Just like every other time Aria took away all his pain and anger calming him down.

He pulled her onto his lap pushing his face into her neck savoring her sweet smell. Aria doing the same to him wrapping her arms around him.

"I'm so sorry princess I should have been honest with you I promise I'll tell you everything when we get home." He groaned into her neck holding her tight.

Aria pulled his face up to look at him kissing him on his lips passionately spilling all her emotions into the kiss. Caleb doing the same showing how much he missed her. Aaron drove to the hideout house like Caleb instructed.

When they finally got to the house Caleb held Arias hand walking into the house with her. When they walked in Aria immediately noticed her mother and father chained up in chairs.

She gripped Caleb's hand tighter scared. Caleb pulled her close to him gently grabbing her face so she would look at him.

"I promise I won't let them hurt you again." He told her wiping the tears she didn't notice escaped from her eyes. He kissed her softly on the lips reassuring her.

He held her hand walking her away from everyone so they could go somewhere private to talk. They walked into one of the spare rooms sitting on the bed.

"I'm sorry for not telling you everything from the beginning." He explained getting ready to tell her everything.

Aria sat listening to everything as he opened up about his life and his lifestyle telling her about how her parents escaped. He told her everything being completely honest leaving nothing out.

After Caleb finished telling her everything Aria had tears streaming down her face when she found out everything Caleb went through at such a young age.

She related to him in so many ways now she completely understood the pull they had for each other. She felt so much closer to him now that she finally understood him. She felt so much love for him she couldn't hold back expressing her love for him anymore she had to tell him now.

"If you don't want to be with me anymore tell me now so I can let you go." He told her in a worried tone. She reached for his face making him focus on her eyes.

"I-I d-don't w-want t-to l-leave e-even I-if I-I w-wanted t-to I-I w-wouldn't b-be a-able t-to b-because I-I l-love y-you C-Caleb." He looked at her shocked like he didn't hear her right the first time. "What did you just say?" He asked her thinking his mind was playing tricks with him.

Aria took a deep breath before talking so she could express her love for him without stuttering. "I-I s-said I-I love you." She stuttered in the beginning but the main two words she said correctly. Proud of herself for accomplishing something she never expected to achieve.

"Say it again princess. I need to hear you say it again." He pulled her into his lap kissing her lips roughly. Aria pulled away from his lips "I love you" she said confidently and without stuttering.

Caleb groaned loving the way that sounded from her voice. "You have no idea how much I love you words can't describe how much I love you." He confessed pulling her in for a deep kiss.

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