Chapter 55. Frustrating

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Aria POV
When he left the room I wanted to tell him to come back in here. I regretted telling him I wanted space from him but I wasn't going to admit that to him just yet.

I laid in the bed wide awake now. I was angry and frustrated with myself. He really killed Andrew and Elizabeth for me.

I couldn't call them my parents because they never treated me as their daughter. I didn't even feel any type of pain or remorse for their brutal deaths.

I was relieved to say the least. I could finally live my life without having to think about them hurting me or suffering from their harsh words.

I didn't know if the nightmares would stop I still had a few nightmares mainly of them hurting my baby or taking Caleb away from me.

I would wake up screaming or crying from those nightmares. It was my worst fear to ever have and I constantly had to relive that pain and fear because it was a constant nightmare.

The tv was still playing sleeping beauty I turned facing the tv so I could watch it. My stomach started growling from not eating at all. I got out of the bed going downstairs so i could find something small to eat.

I grabbed a big chunk of bread to eat. We didn't have any food in the fridge or milk for cereal. I heard the door bell ring and Caleb coming down the stairs.

He shut the door walking towards the kitchen I got out of my seat so I could go back to our room. Before I could walk out of the kitchen he stopped me.

"Throw that away its old. I got you some chicken nuggets and fries from McDonald's." He handed me the bag turning around going back up the stairs.

I sat back down in my seat taking everything out of the bag so I could eat. I knew I was only going to eat half of the food because I couldn't get myself to eat without Caleb. He played a big part in my life and right now this was harder than I thought it would be.

I put everything back in the bag that I didn't eat but took my drink with me to the room. I looked at the time on my phone it was 11:25 p.m i was getting sleepy.

Before I got into the bed I got dressed in one of Caleb's shirts and grabbed another one so I could sleep with and Mr Tinkles.

Caleb POV
I walked past our bedroom door I could hear her walking around probably getting dressed in one of my shirts to sleep in.  The door was open slightly I peeked through to see what she was up to.

She had my shirt on and another one on the bed with her and Mr Tinkles beside her. I wanted to so badly be there and sleep next to her but if space is what she wanted I was going to give her that but not for long.

I went downstairs to throw away the food I finished eating. I noticed the food I bought her to eat was still in the bag on the counter in the kitchen.

I opened it to check if she ate anything. She only ate barely half of her food leaving the rest to pretty much go in the garbage.

She never liked eating the same thing from leftovers. I knew she didn't eat because I wasn't eating with her but she wanted space and I knew she wouldn't have let me feed her or sit near her.

She was stubborn. I was happy she ate at least half but I knew she had to still be hungry especially cause she's pregnant. I grabbed her food and went upstairs to our bedroom. 

She looked up at me "w-what a-are y-you d-doing I-in h-here?" She asked looking back at the tv. "You didn't eat all of your food." I simply responded getting agitated by her attitude.

"I-I'm n-not h-hungry." She replied lying straight through her teeth. "Don't lie to me Aria. Either eat the rest of this food or I'll feed you myself."

I threatened her. Her eyes shifted towards me with an angry pout. "F-fine g-go n-now." She motioned with her hand for me to leave.

"I'm not going anywhere until I see you finish eating. I'm not playing with you little one." She grabbed a chicken nugget to start eating. I sat down on the couch we had in our bedroom making sure she was eating all her food.

I could see a red hue forming on her cheeks she was getting nervous from my staring. I smiled to myself loving the way I could still make her nervous even after how long we've been together.

"I-I'm d-done." She replied timidly without looking at me. I stood up gathering up all her garbage making sure she ate everything.

I wanted to kiss her so badly but I knew she would get angry. So I quickly got all her trash and left the room before I decided to change my mind and really kiss her. 

I threw out the garbage going back to my room. It was so hard walking past our bedroom and not being able to see her or feel her felt even worse. I got into my bed turning to my side checking the time 1:15 a.m.

This is going to be the longest night of my life. I couldn't wait for it to be morning so I could at least listen to her voice even tho she won't be speaking to me I knew she would be talking to Layla.

I texted Aaron to tell him to come over and bring Layla. So they would come over as soon as possible. I know it was late but I was impatient I needed to see Aria, smell her, hear her voice, touch her. This was killing me I missed her so much.

I kept tossing and turning knowing she was having a hard time sleeping was also on my mind. She was making me suffer and I deserved it for being dishonest with her.

I forced my eyes closed trying to get my brain to shut down so I could get some sleep but the only thing on my mind was Aria I just wanted her in my arms sleeping peacefully.

Aria POV
I was so happy he stayed while I ate the rest of my food. I couldn't help but blush when he stared at me while I ate.

I wanted to just tell him to stay with me and forget about me saying I needed space because this was the stupidest decision I've ever made.

I couldn't sleep no matter how much I hugged Mr Tinkles and Caleb's shirt it didn't help. My heart was aching for him and I only wanted him.

Tears streamed down my face from missing him and frustration. If only he could have been honest with me we wouldn't be going through this right now.

I cried myself to sleep with the tv still playing sleeping beauty but on low volume. I just wanted him to be honest with me.

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