Chapter 64. Anxiety

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Caleb POV
"You let us buy your business and you come work for us. This is a good deal to make George we won't disappoint you." Aaron reasoned with our client to get him to work with us because we needed a good hacker on our team.

My phone started ringing interrupting our meeting. "I'll be back in a little." I got out of my seat walking out of the room to answer my phone.

It was Jerry calling me. "Hello." I answered. "I just wanted to fill you in on how their doing so far since we've been gone for so long."

"Is everything okay me and Aaron should be done in a few minutes then we'll start heading over there." Aaron and George came outside the room shaking hands.

"Everything's been fine so far but Aria has been going to the bathroom every few minutes I'm guessing she has really bad anxiety."

I shook George's hand goodbye while listening to Jerry on the phone. "Take them to get something to eat keep a close eye on her for me until we get there we're heading there now." "Alright see you soon boss." He said before hanging up.

I put my phone back in my pocket getting my keys ready so we could leave. "Did he accept the deal?" I asked Aaron while we walked towards the elevators.

"Yeah he accepted it he will be back next week with the paper work so we can take over his business."

I handed the receptionist a copy of his resume so she could put on my desk for me. "Is everything okay with the girls?" He asked me as we got into my car. "Yeah their fine but Aria has anxiety so I told Jerry to take them to get something to eat."

"I hope Layla isn't driving her crazy she's a little hyper. She sneaked into the fridge while I was taking a nap and ate almost a whole carton of ice cream."

He explained making me laugh. "She's a handful keeping you right on your toes." He laughed at my comment smiling to himself.

Aria POV
"I-ill b-be b-back I-in a s-second L-Layla." Jerry followed me to the bathroom for the fifth time now. I felt bad for making him have to follow me constantly back and forth but he insisted on following me.

I found the dress I wanted and purchased it. I just had to wait to pick it up so they could make it to fit me perfectly.

I walked into the bathroom my palms were getting frustratingly sweatier the more we stayed in this packed mall.

I washed my hands continuously to get rid of the sweat but once I dried them off the sweat reappeared on my palms. I was debating whether I should call Caleb or just push through this a little longer.

"Aria are you okay?" Layla asked from the other stall next to me. "Y-yes I-I'm f-fine i-I'll m-meet y-you a-at o-our t-table." She left the restroom going back to the food court to find us a table and order our food.

I heard someone come inside the restroom right when I was about to leave so I stayed inside the stall until they would leave. I wiped my palms on my dress again for the hundredth time today.

I heard one of the stalls open and someone turn on the faucet. I could feel my heart beat rising in my chest. I just needed a moment to breathe but the restroom wasn't doing it for me I needed to go outside.

The girl that walked in finally left but then someone else came in. "Princess are you in here?" I heard Caleb's voice. "Y-yes." I answered timidly. "Open the door princess." I opened the stall walking out a little.

He gave me a hug kissing my head softly. "You need some fresh air don't you princess?" He said while rubbing my back lightly. "P-please d-daddy."

I looked up at him pleadingly. He interlocked our hands together walking us out of the restroom so we could go outside.

He let go of my hand wrapping his arm around my waist protectively and so I was close to him. We made it outside I felt like I could finally breath and my heart stopped racing.

I took in a deep breath feeling at ease now. "I'm sorry princess I shouldn't have let you go today." He apologized pulling me against him. "N-no I-it's o-okay d-daddy I-I'm f-fine I j-just n-needed a l-little b-break."

I kissed his cheek reassuringly. "I m-missed y-you d-daddy." I hugged him tighter inhaling his cologne. He smiled against my cheek before turning my head so he could kiss me. I held onto his arms standing on my tippy toes so I could kiss him back.

"Aria!" I heard Layla shouting my name behind me but I didn't want to pull away from Caleb's kiss. Caleb pulled away from me when she called my name again.

"Let's go see what's going on it seems urgent." We walked quickly towards her noticing she had tears streaming down her face.

"What's going on Layla?" Caleb asked her looking around for Aaron. "He's fighting I can't stop him their calling the cops please do something Caleb." She pleaded.

Caleb quickly ran inside the mall while I pulled Layla over to the side to sit down to calm her down.

"B-breath L-Layla e-everything's g-going t-to b-be f-fine." I reassured her. She leaned her head down on my shoulder still crying. "W-what h-happened I-in t-there?" I asked her concerned about Aaron.

"This boy sat at our table and started flirting with me I told him to leave but he wouldn't so I got up to leave instead but he followed me. I seen Aaron so I was about to run towards him but before I could get to Aaron that boy smacked my ass in front of Aaron." She explained to me what happened.

"Their gonna call the cops what if they take him away from me." She stood up as soon as she seen the cops rushing into the mall. We both ran into the mall rushing towards the huge crowd.

We pushed through the crowd so we could see where Caleb and Aaron were. I noticed Caleb was standing watching Aaron fight instead of stopping the fight.

One of the cops rushed between Aaron and the boy he was fighting to pull them apart. "Why isn't Caleb doing anything Aria?" Layla asked me but I was just as confused as she was.

"Get him off of Aaron." Caleb yelled at the other cops who immediately complied.

I watched the cops pull the other cop out of the way letting Aaron continue his assault on the boy. "Leave come back when he's done so you can take him to the hospital." Everyone watched how Caleb instructed the cops like he owned them.

"H-he's g-going t-to b-be f-fine L-Layla." She hugged me not able to look at Aaron fighting. Caleb came next to us. "Go sit in the car until we come back everything will be okay don't worry." He instructed me giving me the keys to the car.

Layla held my hand as we walked towards the car. I turned on the car so we could have the a.c on. Carson and Jerry soon came inside the car sitting in the back with us.

Layla fell asleep after she calmed down a little. I let her lay her head on my lap so she could sleep comfortably brushing my fingers through her hair while she slept.

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