Chapter 33. Separation anxiety

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Caleb POV
I left to work Aria was still asleep when I left. She knew I was going to work today so i made sure to leave Mr Tinkles near her so she could cuddle him while I was gone to help her sleep a little longer.

When I got to work I was in a horrible mood already because Aaron called me about the hacking problem.

The last time I came no one had answers so hopefully today they start acting right and have answers so I can get my money back.

"I hope you guys got your act together and have answers on who took my money." I told them In a bitter tone. "Sir I have some information you might want to hear." Zack spoke up.

"Go ahead I'm listening." I told him letting him know I was all ears. "Well I was right it was two people who did the job on two different occasions the first suspect named Michael Lucci hacked into the system. But the other suspect is still unknown but we know it's a male." He informed me.

"Okay well dose anyone else know anything about this guy or are we all going to let Zack do all the work again." I was getting angry and frustrated with them because of their lack of communication once again.

"If none of you have anything to say you can all consider yourselves fired as soon as you walk out of this room." I told them sternly. "Sir I have some information but I don't know if it'll be useful." Charles spoke up.

"Anything is useful as long as your doing your job." He nodded his head understandingly. "The male that stole the money is a white man in his late 50's and has a tattoo of red wings."

When he mentioned the tattoo my mind immediately thought of the rival gang my mother was involved in.

"The tattoo do you have pictures of it?" I asked him. "Not at the moment but I can try to get it done." He replied. "Alright anyone else have anythi..." I was interrupted by my phone ringing.

"Sorry guys give me a second." I told them pulling my phone out to see who was calling me. It was Aria who was calling me.

I answered the call right away my whole mood changed into fear and worry I could feel something was wrong as soon as I answered the call.

"Princess what's wrong?" I asked hoping my intuition was wrong. "D-daddy c-can y-you c-come h-home I c-can't b-bre.." she was sobbing her voice was ragged and low I could hardly hear her voice. She was struggling to breath I could tell by the way she sounded.

"I'm coming princess just hold on for me please don't hang up. I need you take deep breaths for me." I instructed her trying to get her breathing back to normal.

I grabbed my coat and walked out of the meeting room without saying anything to my employees. Aaron knew what to do so I wasn't that worried about it. I got in my car racing to get to her as soon as possible.

"Breath baby I'm coming right now princess." I didn't know what to do I was so scared about her she wasn't talking I could barely hear her in the phone I didn't know if she was conscious or not.

My phone buzzed Aaron was calling me I answered putting the phone on two way. "What's going on Boss? Is everything okay?" He asked almost in a panicking manner.

"Aria I don't know what's going on but she's not breathing well and she's crying." I explained to him getting closer to my house.

"Hurry Caleb. Call me when she's fine." He told me knowing I wasn't going to be able to talk to him. My mind was all over the place I just wanted to get to her.

I didn't even shut my door to my car completely I rushed through the front door looking around for her. "Aria! Baby where are you?" I yelled trying to figure out where she was.

I ran upstairs rushing down the hall to get to our room. "D-daddy!" She cried for me as she ran down the hall meeting me halfway. "Princess what happened what's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

"I c-can't d-do I-it w-without y-you h-here. I c-can't b-breath w-when y-your n-not a-around p-please d-don't l-leave m-me." She sobbed. "I won't leave you anymore. Daddy's here now princess calm down." I picked her up carrying her back into our bedroom.

Aria POV
"I-I'm s-sorry I m-made y-you c-come h-home f-from w-work." My voice cracking slightly because of my tears. "It's okay princess. I told you to call me for any reason I'm happy you called me." He kissed my cheek wrapping his arms around me protectively.

I calmed down a little more. I laid my head on his shoulder while holding onto his shirt in a tight grip. I felt safe. I felt like I could breath again. I felt safe in his arms. I missed him so much. I felt sick without him near me.

I began to cry again thinking about how much I loved and missed him. He meant so much to me I couldn't express how much I appreciated him for everything he does for me. "Don't cry baby I'm here now." He spoke softly kissing my head.

"I love you princess." I lifted my head so I could kiss him. "I l-love y-you t-too d-daddy." I told him while wiping my tears. "Princess I'm getting worried about you and our little nugget." He said worriedly.

"I-I'm s-sorry d-daddy I-I j-just m-miss y-you l-like a-all t-the t-time. I f-feel s-sick w-when y-your n-not n-near m-me." I explained. "I know baby I miss you too but you stressing and crying this much is not healthy for you or our baby."

More tears welled up in my eyes I didn't want to hurt our baby. "I d-don't w-want t-to h-hurt o-our b-baby." I told him trying my best to stop the tears from falling.

"I know you don't princess. But we're going to have to work on this together because I don't want my little princess stressed and sad all the time either."

He smiled cheering me up a little. He always knew what to say to make me feel better. "I want you to always tell me when something is bothering you."

"Just like you did today you were so brave calling daddy I'm so proud of you princess." He pecked my nose a few times making me smile even more.

"Your daddy's brave little princess hmm isn't that right?" He asked wanting me to answer so I knew he was proud of me. "Y-yeah I-I'm d-daddy's b-brave l-little p-princess." I replied happily.

"Good baby." He praised kissing my lips softly before laying me down on the bed to cuddle me into the blanket.

"Sleep princess I know your tired." I kissed his chest softly closing my eyes while I held his shirt in a tight grip afraid he might leave me. I knew he wouldn't leave me on purpose but I just couldn't seem to want to let go of his shirt anytime soon.

"I love you princess. I'll be right here with you daddy isn't going anywhere." He said making sure I felt safe so i wouldn't worry.

I hummed softly in response letting sleep consume me into a comfortable sleep now that Caleb was with me I knew I would sleep without a bad dream interrupting my slumber.

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