II. Ghost Lunch Lady

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"Uh, guys? We have got a problem" Danny said but before he could say anything else, a mud grass pie landed on his head.

"FENTON!" Dash, one of the Jocks and number 1 bully of Dunny, shouted and marched towards the now scared boy.

"...Make that two problems"

"I ordered three mud pies. Do you know what they gave me? Three mud pies. With mud. From the ground! All because of your girlfriend!"

"She's not my girlfriend! / I'm not his girlfriend!" Sam and Danny shouted together in defence.

Suddenly, Dash grabbed Danny by his shirt and lifted him a few inches off the ground. Lina's eyes turned red for a second and she was about to stand up, but Sam placed a hand on her shoulder to hold her down.

"These are the best years of my life! After high school, it's all downhill for me! How am I supposed to enjoy my glory days eating mud?!"

"It's topsoil" Sam corrected him which angered Dash more and he tossed Danny at the table.

"Whatever! Eat it. All of it" he commanded as he grabbed one mud pie and was about to shove it into his mouth. Lina's eyes were now fully red as she stood up and marched towards Dash but came to a halt when her ghost senses went off and noticed the same thing happening to Danny.

They turned their attention to the lunch counter and saw a Lunch Lady with blue skin and old clothes, floating.

"Uh...uh... *Danny said hesitantly as he eyed the plate and in the end, picked it up* GARBAGE FIGHT!"

He tossed the plate and hit Dash in the face. At the same time, other students began throwing food as well and chaos ensued. Sam, offended and angry, picked her head from the table and shouted.

"It's not garbage! It's- "she was cut short though as Danny grabbed her shoulder and pulled her onto the floor. Lina had done the same to Tucker and the four of them were busy crawling away from the cafeteria.

"You're going to pay for this, Fenton!" they heard Dash shout.

"Great. I'm still his favourite"

"I doubt you will ever stop being that," Lina said as they finally managed to crawl out the cafeteria door. Danny and Tucker peeked their heads around it to see the Lunch Lady Ghost.

"Huh. Shouldn't be so bad. She looks a little like my grandmother"

"Shouldn't she be haunting a bingo hall?" Lina said out loud as she and Sam also peeked their heads around. Then, they took a step forward and closed the door behind them, but the sound was enough to draw the attention of the ghost.

"Hello, children. Can you help me? Today's lunch is meatloaf, but I don't see the meatloaf. Did someone change the menu?"

"Yeah. She did" Tucker answered and pointed with his thumb at Sam, without properly thinking about the consequences of his rushed actions.

The Ghost suddenly became extremely angry, with her hair flaming on end and eyes flashing red. "YOU CHANGED THE MENU?! THE MENU HAS BEEN THE SAME FOR FIFTY YEARS!" her yells echoed around them as green flames surrounded her and appeared circling above her head like some twisted and demonised halo.

"Get behind us," Danny and Lina said together. Their friends did exactly that even though they didn't feel any security at that moment.

"Wow. I feel safe" Sam pointed out sarcastically.

"I'm going ghost!" Danny shouted as the white rings appeared and transformed into his ghost half. Lina did the same but was quiet all along, finding little stupid to shout when she transformed.

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