XIII. The 'In' Crowd

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A new day, a new quiet life in the Fenton Work's household/ghost hunting lab. Starting with a more normal day, Jazz had taken Dash in and was trying to tutor him in basic geometry. However, the football jock found the teenager far more interesting than the boring math.

"Okay, in algebraic terms, "A" squared plus "B" squared equals "C" squared, where "C" is the hypotenuse while "A" and "B" are the sides of the triangle.  Got it?" she asked, looking from the paper at him.

Dash simply let out a dreamy sigh. "Ahh...

"Dash, you have to Focus! I'm doing a Thesis on tutoring the un-tutorable, and you're disproving my thesis that nobody's un-tutorable!" she exclaimed, hands in the air.

"You know, you're beautiful when you use the word *Scratching his head* untu-untu-un...uh...whatever that word is" he went back staring at her.

That was when the two Halfa decided to walk from the basement stairs. Danny was busy drinking a glass of water, eyes closed with Lina slightly in front of him. Entering the kitchen she came to a sudden halt once she spotted the football quarterback and bully.

This caused Danny to bump into her and frown. Opening his eyes, he was met with the same sight. "Dash! W-what are you doing here?" he asked while Lina was busy staring, shocked.

While she stood there, Danny tried to look cool by leaning against his drink on the table. His arm turned intangible and he ended up falling through the table. It caused Dash's homework to fly everywhere, including landing a book on Dash's head.

Now furious, the jock stood up. "Watch it, Fentonowski!"

By instinct, Lina moved in front of Danny and glared at Dash while her adopted brother backed away from the kitchen.

"Uh, sorry. I was just, uh, passing through" Danny exclaimed, grabbed Lina's wrist and quickly sprinted into his room.

Satisfied that the distractions were gone, Dash took the book off his head and reached into his jacket. "Now that that twinkie's out of the way *Pulls out invitation* you're coming to my party Saturday, right? It'll be a chance for you to see me in my rightful setting *Hands Jazz the invite* king of Casper High."

Unimpressed and annoyed, she looked at him as she also stood up. "And a great place to work on my thesis on the effects of being mean to my brother and then asking me out. *Looks at the invite* Hmm. I'll go, on one condition."


Once they realized the area was clear, the duo headed back to the basement only to find their father holding a new machine. A piece of modified vacuum-like equipment, which he held with pride.

"Hey, Danny! Lina! Check out my latest innovation in ghost-grabbing technology, the Ghost Weasel! It collects ambient ghost energy and shoots it into the Ghost Zone" he said and showed them the machine.

The two halfa exchanged a look.

"Does it work?" Danny asked.

"Why wouldn't it? Only one way to find out."

Lina leaned into Danny's ear. "I have a bad feeling about this."

Right after she said that Jack turned on the Ghost Weasel. It started to suck on loose papers that were close to him before it landed on the same line as the Fenton Thermos. In seconds, the metallic cylinder was sucked too but ended up stuck in the opening.

Jack struggled to remove the thermos but failed miserably. "Darn it! Better get the Fenton Unlodger" he placed the machine on the ground, handed Danny the nozzle and run off.

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