III. Attack of the Meat-Monster

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[A/N] - I apologise in advance for the bad start. I published this story in 2019 and my writing has long improved since then. As you move through the chapters, you will see that my writing has gotten better and there are more details.


Danny and Tucker were in Lancer's office, having just been scolded and blamed for everything. After Lancer read their files out loud and blamed them once again, he left the room with Dash staying guard outside the door.

A small fight started between the two boys as Tucker had given away Sam, which was now a prisoner of the Ghost.

"Well, Lina is searching for her-"

"Even worse Tucker. She turned to human as I did. We cannot leave her alone against the Ghost"

"True that"

Danny glanced over at a wall of TVs showing different security camera views of the school. Several cameras showed a storage room filled with boxes of meat. The last one showed a trail of meat juice in front of the boxes leading off-screen, a smile appears on his face when he spotted Lina following the trail.

"Check it out. Meat trail and Lina!" he said and pointed at the screen before going ghost, grabbing Tucker's arm, turning them both intangible and passing down through the floor.


Danny and Tucker entered the meat storage room from the security footage. Dozens and dozens of boxes filled with meat were stacked around them and behind one, Lina was hiding. Danny landed next to her who noticed them and gave a smile of relief.

"Sweet mother of mutton! *Hugs the boxes of meat* I'd dreamed of it, but...I never thought I'd live to see it!"

"How is it that we have the ghost powers and you're the weird kid?" Danny said, commenting on Tucker's behaviour as Lina turned to Ghost as well.

Their eyes widen as they heard cackling nearby. They peered around the corner of a stack of boxes and saw the Lunch Lady floating in front of Sam who was trapped neck-deep in a large pile of meat.


"My dear child...meat is good for kids! It helps them grow and makes them smile! Why won't you eat it?" she asked as she offered some chicken.

"We don't need meat. That's a fact!" Sam argued stubbornly.

The Lunch Lady suddenly reverted to her evil-lunch-lady form, with the wind blowing around her. "SILENCE! You need discipline, manners, and respect! Do you know where that comes from? MEAT! *turns back to normal* Chicken? Or fish?"


"We will take care of the ghost. You just find a way to get Sam out of that pile of meat!" Danny said.

"Waaaay ahead of you," Tucker said as he held a fork and a knife.

Lina having an idea quickly whispered it into her brother's ear. Before he could comment on it, she grabbed Danny's leg and spun a few times before tossing him straight to the Ghost who noticed him but was too late. His punch landed on her face and sent her flying into a nearby wall before collapsing to the ground.

The two Halfa landed in front of her as she glared at them.

Lina noticed how Tucker had started freeing Sam by eating the meat and mentally made a plan to keep the Ghost occupied.

Danny, thinking the same thing, crouched on the ground only to then jump up and somersault in the air before preparing to kick the ghost.

The Lunch Lady caught his foot in her hand right before he hits her, then dangled a surprised Danny upside-down by his foot. "Don't you see? This is why you need meat! You are skin and bones!" she said and tossed Danny to a wall, but the said boy managed to turn intangible just in time.

"And you are as fat as you can get" Lina stated and grabbed the chance to punch the Ghost in the stomach.

She was forced to bend forward and glared at the Halfa before grabbing her by the neck. Lina was lifted as her hands clawed and tried to free her neck which was squeezed a little too hard.

"YOU DISRESPECTFUL BRAT!" she shouted and tossed Lina on top of Danny.

Both of them ended up on the ground but managed to stand up just in time for their opponent was not done with them. Thankfully, she had yet to notice Tucker trying to free Sam from her meat prison.

Wasting no time, the Lunch Lady summoned some shish kebabs from a box, their pointed ends heading straight for Danny and Lina.

The male half saw this and subconsciously managed to split his body in two, causing the meat to pass through the stretched intangible area of the body he created.

The female simply jumped high up and avoided the meat, which ended up piercing the wall behind her. She landed next to Danny, a proud smile on her face as well for his new achievement.

Their small triumph though was cut short as their opponent had more aces up her sleeve.

The Ghost yelled and summoned meat out of all of the boxes. Danny pieced himself together again and watched the meat go flying towards the ghost.

Meanwhile, Tucker was about to take a bite of meat but the piece, as well as the meat pile that was covering Sam, went flying off towards the ghost. The meat soared around and attached to the Lunch Lady to form the meat monster she was earlier.

She then fired a meat fist at the two Halfas, capturing them in her grasp.

Tucker and Sam noticed this but this time they didn't let the shock affect them.

The latter even determined a pose, fork and knife handy "Help's on the way, buddies!"

The Lunch Lady sent our two heroes flying, who managed to turn intangible and pass through a wall before hitting on it. However, this let her friends along with the Ghost loomed over them before leaving a loud growl, which caused all their bravery to disappear.



Sam and Tucker yelled for help and ran for their lives, heading straight for the door, but the ghost sent a pile of meat to block their exit.

At the same time, our two heroes came back, the boy holding back his head. They saw their friends yelling as they run past them, and with a determined look, they headed after them.

The Lunch Lady made fists with her hands and prepared to slam down on them, but Danny and Lina quickly flew down and grabbed them in their arms before turning all of the intangible and flying through a wall; just like they had done before.

Their enemy was surprised and couldn't stop herself in time before the meat splattered all against the wall.


Outside of Casper High, Danny, Sam, and Tucker phased through the wall outside and floated, turning tangible again. Of the 4 of them, Danny looked the most tired with Lina not too far away from that as well.

"Gee, guys. Fighting meat monsters, flying through walls...You must be exhausted" Sam pointed out, not failing to see their tired faces. On cue, Lina had lost some height and was floating below Danny and Sam, carrying Tucker exhausting her more.

"What? Of course not! What would give you that idea?" Danny defended and kept trailing off but soon passed out, causing him and Sam to fall on their other two friends.

All four of them fell to the ground.

Danny and Lina turned back to human, the latter being still awake but body feeling weak. She merely lay there, trying to stay awake but feeling herself losing that battle as the exhaustion on both her body and mind were winning.

"Great. How will we explain that to our parents?" she wondered as she lay on her back to get a minute of rest while Sam and Tucker looked at each other.

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