XXII. Ghost Prison

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After the small reunions with their 'good old pals', the two halfas were led into the building. Their clothes had been changed to that of prison attire and they were currently forced on chairs, shackles around their hands.

In front of them was an office and Walker was busy reading what laws they broke from a book, all while walking around them.

"Trespassing. Loitering. Creating a disturbance. Attempts of escaping capture and, possession of real-world contraband"

Lina was glaring at the ghost through some of her black bangs that had escaped after their adventure. Then, she noticed something floating above their heads. She glanced at Danny and then looked up, the other halfa following her gaze.

Once they spotted the present, they tried to grab it but it was out of their reach, and those shackles prevented them from reaching too far out. In the end, Danny decided to try the discussion part one more time.

"Excuse me, sir, but-but-"

The ghost warden interrupted him, grabbing both of them by their shirt and he lifted them high enough, that their skin could be seen. "Name's Walker, son. Know it. Fear it. Obey it. I am your judge, executioner, jury, executioner, jailer, and, if necessary, your executioner."

He slowly let them down but not fully, just lowered them sightly; wanting to remind them that he was in control of everything. He had said each word with the deadliest and most serious tone any of the halfa had ever seen.

Did it spread panic within them... you bet it did.

However, Danny, being himself, once again tried his luck. Lina on the other hand stayed quiet, never breaking eye contact with Walker. She knew they were in big trouble and they had to be careful.

"Uh, you said "executioner" three times." The male halfa said, making Lina glance at him.

Walker let them fall, back on the chairs with enough force to almost make them lose their balance. "I like that part of the job."

He read the book, not paying attention or realizing that the present was floating in the room. Danny then had an idea and started to execute it, while Lina mouthed silently for him to stop, but he did not listen. He was desperate and he would try anything he could, not truly realizing how serious their situation currently was.

"Well, you see, uh, Mr Walker, uh, the truth is...I'm trying the contraband. So, um, if I could just... grab it and go" he said, chuckling nervously. All this time he had grabbed his chair and moved towards the floating present. "I'll promise I'll—"

He was so close to grabbing it, but Walker saw him. In seconds, he moved closer to Danny's seat and used his leg to push it down. It made the chair fall to the floor as the warden set his hand on it.

"I'd like to let you go, son" Walker started, crouching down to Danny. At the same time, Lina was fighting hard with the shackles. "but I can't. That'd be against the rules" he stood up and looked at Lina, who glared at him with red eyes. He was unaffected and simply grabbed his book. "But seeing how this is a first offence I'm willing to be lenient" he closed the book and pointed at Danny. "1,000 years! 2,000 years for you *points at Lina*"

"Hey! That's unfair" Danny shouted as Lina stared at him with her jaw dropped.

"You do not question me or the rules. Be grateful I am that linear with you" Walker replied simply, towering over Danny once again.

"You have given me no reason for being grateful. You are a big bully who wants to play god. Face me if you dare" Lina said, pulling hard on her restraints.

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