VI. Ghost-Dragon

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Fenton Works basement

Jack was sitting down on a stool, wearing a soda hat and a fishing vest, sipping his soda. In his arms, he had a glowing-white fishing line,w which he cast into the open Ghost Portal.

Danny and Lina came down the stairs, having just returned from school and wanting to check on the portal. Since it was open, any ghost could escape and they felt better keeping an eye on it, now that they had slowly started to get a hang of their powers but also their purpose in life.

Dropping their backpacks on the floor, they noticed Jack and exchanged a look before they walked up behind him.

"Hey, Dad. What are you doing?" Danny asked.

"Danny, keep it down. You'll scare away the ghosts. *Points to his fishing pole* It's the Fenton Ghost Fisher. I'm fishing for ghosts" Jack said as if it was obvious.

"Come again?" Lina asked as Jack stopped reeling and stretched out the line a bit.

"Check out this line. Coated with a special high-test ectoplasmic resin that ghosts can't break. Quiet now. Don't wanna spook 'em" He recast the line and sipped his soda. Suddenly, his stomach rumbled, giving everyone a very loud message. "Whoa! That soda goes right through you like Sherman through Georgia. *gives the Fenton Fisher to Danny* Here! Hang on to this. I'll be right back after I use the Fenton Urinal. *Goes upstairs*"

Lina let out a sigh, still not used to how Jack named almost every invention after him; even though he did not invent it. He looked at her adopted brother when the fishing line suddenly reeled out further into the portal and became taut. 

Danny's and Lina's ghost senses went off, indicating only one thing and it was far from being good.

"Oh no," they exclaimed together, feeling the line being pulled by something from the other side of the portal.

Lina wasted no time to position herself behind Danny and help him strain and keep a hold of the Fenton Fisher against the resistance. Not long after, though, the line broke. 

A blue ghost dragon emerged from the portal, the line hanging from her mouth. She roared and the line's broken ended up smacking Danny in the face.

"Da-?" he stuttered, unable to finish a sentence as he looked with wide eyes at the huge beast; suddenly unable to move or think.

"I want to go!" the dragon said in a female voice.

D-ahhh! *gets slapped on the back of the head by Lina* Dragon!" he shouted and ran away, leaving her alone.

"Chicken," she said as she went ghost, not in the mood to deal with it but having no other choice.

Unlike Danny, she had just accepted the facts and nothing truly scared her off. After what happened to them and their first fights with ghosts, she was not truly surprised by what would come next.

The Dragon did not seem to want her or did not notice her. Instead, her attention landed on a runaway Danny before she grabbed him in her clawed huge fist. "I have to go!" she repeated.

"You'll have to stand in line behind my dad. In the meantime..." he said and went ghost as well, remembering he had powers and he could use them.

Danny became a blue ghostly mist to escape the fist and reformed while Lina grabbed the chance and punched the dragon's jaw, causing her to stumble back. The She-Dragon was not pleased as she snapped back and growled before trying to hit the female halfa, but she missed since Lina was faster.

Danny tried to attack but she saw him and tried to hit him with her other claw, and yet he also dodged. Getting annoyed, the dragon breathed green fire at the duo, but they managed to dodge it as well, having gotten better at using their small sizes and speed to outmanoeuvre their opponents.

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