VIII. An Eventful Prom Night

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Casper High Gym

Outside there was a banner above its doors reading, "SCHOOL DANCE 2 NITE" and dance music was playing loudly from within as students were busy dancing, drinking punch and talking. Everyone was dressed in fancy dresses and suits, the whole Gym having been decorated with balloons and ribbons.

While lancer was trying different phrases from his book, Danny was busy trying to find an excuse and get that amulet back from Paulina. He grabbed two glasses filled with punch and turned to his date.

"Paulina, I was thinking... That amulet-"

"Isn't it fabulous? I haven't taken it off since you gave it to me" the girl replied, showing with her hands how it matched her pink dress.

"Yeah, well, about that. See, I shouldn't have given it to you in the first place because...*Spots Sam standing with Lina and Tucker* It belongs to Sam!" Paulina growled and stuck out a green dragon tongue to suck the punch out of her glass, which she then broke in her hand. "*Handing her his glass* Uh... But I want to make it up to you. I'll get you something else. Something...more special"

As he was busy, Mr Lancer spotted his parents and walked up to them. Angelina noticed but decided not to help since it was Danny who got himself into that trouble.

He will never learn otherwise; she thought and took a sip from her punch.

She hated being that cold, but she felt it was the only right thing she could do. Plus, she wanted to enjoy her dance; not that it was moving since Tucker stood by her side like a statue. Sam was also by her side and the three of them stood awkwardly and watched everyone else having the time of their lives.

"Mr Fenton! About our conversation the other day concerning Danny" Lancer said.

Jack looked confused but before he could speak, he was possessed. Danny, who had excused himself from his date, had turned invisible and taken over his dad before disaster could happen.

"Yes! Danny, what a fine boy he is! Ha! Yes, as his father, I get that all the time" he said through Jack.

"Jack, you sound kind of strange," Maddie said, looking at him with worry.

"Oh, must be something I ate. *Spots punch table* Hey! How 'bout I get us some punch?" Without waiting for an answer, he made his way through the students. "Excuse me! Excuse me! Adult coming through. I shave every day" he came to a halt in front of his three friends. "Tucker, Sam, Lina, we've got trouble"

"We had nothing to do with it, Mr Fenton. It was all Danny's idea" Tucker said and earned a slap on the back of his head from Lina.

"It's Danny" she pointed out the voice, moving her hands to emphasize her point.

Jack/Danny gave a nod and handed them two walkie-talkies "Sam, you try to help me find Paulina. Tucker, Lina, you two keep an eye on my dad. If he starts talking to anyone, page me, got it?"

He walked away without waiting for an answer. At least Lina was proud that he didn't ask her to possess Jack for him, which she had made clear she wouldn't do unless it was a life-or-death situation.

She just didn't like the idea of possessing a human being, using them as puppets. That made them no better than the ghosts they fought and those that terrorized the city. Not like they had seen many, but she still had to see any kind of ghosts.

"This dance gets better and better with every passing minute" Sam commented and started to walk in one direction, obviously not happy with the result.

"Is it too much to ask for a normal day?" Lina wondered as she and Tucker chose the opposite direction.

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