Chapter 41

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" oh yeah, and those rumors about a knight who almost killed another knight from the Stan family is true now let me give you all the same morning I gave him if I am to hear anyone refer to my young master is trash they will die by my sword"

Everyone trembled at his words and silence engulfed them



" ahhhh what the hell was that for" Rok Soo was the one to scream apparently Cale slapped him upside the head

" Don't go scaring the other nobles and apologize!!!" Cale was mad and was reprimanding Rok Soo for his carelessness

" no way they started it" Rok Soo was stubborn and turned his head around, refusing to apologize


Rok Soo was hit once again and a argument ensued

Cales party was used to it and they tend to act like an old married couple while the other nobles were stunned

But when you think about it, can you really blame them?

The man just threatened their lives, was just smacked, upside the hand by the tra-ehem I mean the young master of the henituse families and this stunned them

The argument continued until Neo Tolz entered the scene one of Venion Stan's lackeys

" well well well if it isn't Young master Cal" his speech was cut of when both Cale and Rok Soo streamed

" fuck off"

And the 2 continued there arguing leaving the nobles even more shocked

There arguing was cut short when a guard  opened the door and stated
"the even will start shortly so please line up and show your invitation"

Both Rok Soo and Cale looked at each other and started laughing at there arguing

That's when Rok Soo felt pressure on his shoulders and immediately realized it was the inevitable dragon twins

As they walked over to the door they bumped into Venion Stan

" oh my if it isn't young master Cale I must say you look charming as ever" he stated and kissed the back of Cales hand

Both Cale and Rok Soo were disgusted by this act

Cale could do nothing but thank Rok Soo for convincing him to were gloves


Back to you before they departed

" hey Cale here we're this"

Rok Soo handed him a pair of gloves

" gloves? Why would I need them " Cale was visibly confused

" I'm not sure but I fell like something disgusting will touch your hand but if you really don't wanna wear them, you can take them off " Rok Soo said confidently

Cale only sighed in defeat and wore the gloves


Back to the present

Cale was really happy he wore them

Because something disgusting really did touch his hand

" why thank you for the compliment" Cale said as he yanked his hand away from Venion voice dripping with sarcasm

Venion only smiled and then said
"Oh it seems that your knight is hear with you I'm sure you know young master Cale that this place has lots of security so your knight doesn't/ slash won't be able to enter" Venion said with a way to cherry voice

"Actually that's not true Rok Soo can enter as my father got permission as it seems that someone is after my life as there has been many assassination attempts on my life" Cale said sounding pitiful

Now let's go back a couple days ago


The Henituse family called Cale on a video communication crystal to see if Cale arrived at the capital safely

They were all talking when an arrow shot through the window

Rok Soo reacted fast and moved Cale out of danger as a result the crystal ball fell and the Henituse family was freaking out

That's when Rok Soo said loudly
"For shits sake this is the third time this week alone like what the actual fuck"

Rok Soo was losing his patience as these assassination attempts have gotten annoying he can't leave the room for three seconds without fearing that there might be another attack

Rok Soo ordered Cale to stay in the room as he persued the attackers he used a magic spell he learned from the dragons and made a barrier around Cale

After the battle Rok Soo came back exhausted and plopped on the bed Cale patted Rok Soo on the head out of pity the poor guy can't catch a break as he's always has to  make sure that Cale is still alive

Cale pulled Rok Soo's head on his lap and stroked his hair

As they had there moment it was cut short when they heard shouting

" are you okay"

"What happened"

"Is everyone safe"

"Who was that"

Four voices wear heard that's when Rok Soo had to explain to the Henituses about the assassination attempts

And Kim Soo was thoroughly reprimanded for not telling you sooner

He apologized and said he would  inform them next time


Rok Soo shivered at the memory

Cales voice snapped him out of the memory as he said
"So it seems that Rok Soo can enter with me well it was nice seeing you again we'll see you inside "

With that Cale didn't even wait for a response before pulling Rok Soo away

Venion cleanched his first and gritted his teeth that's when he remembered

The dragons

He remembered that because the recent break in he ordered the knight that were  supposed to be guarding the cave to describe what the attackers look like  they told him that the attackers had black hair and black hair was not a common hair color in the Empire and the only person in the area with black hair was Rok Soo and he was in the area when it happened

There was also what one of his spies told him that they said they was Rok Soo with a red dragon meaning there was no doubt he took them

But there was one problem even if he had this information there's no way he could spread it as all they needed to do was get the dragons to testify that he was the one who tortured them and everything would be ruined

He already lost his father's favorite just by losing them so he had to think smartly maybe he could strike a deal with Roxy to get them back I will anyone would do anything for the right price

He smirked at his thoughts and thought of a plan


Thank you for reading this chapter and please comment your ideas for other chapters

Love you all

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