Chapter 49

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Every one was shocked

" wont that be amazing" a sinister grin was plastered across his face


9 :00 am

0 minutes until plaza incident


The man that was standing on top of the clock tower was non other than

Redika the blood loving mage

As well as the person responsible for the hairs village massacre

" who are you and how dare you intuupt this even and threaten our lives" it was the king

Instead of getting a response he made a signal to the others

There were many other mages with him and spell started attacking on every corner

Fireballs where hurdled at people

Chaos irrupted as everyone was running away in fear of what might happen

Cale was stunned at the chaos

The terrorists had dropped bombs, and magic spells all over the place

People were losing there lives and there was no way to stop it

" initiate phase 2 of the plan" Redikas voice chimed

And he waited as if expecting something to happen

As this happened the nobles gate was open and they were exiting the plaza

But the commoners gait wasn't as fortunate

The gait was slow so many people panicked as they couldn't escape the deaths

It was as if they were thrown into the lion's den

Staying in the plaza was as if sending yourself to an early grave

Redika released that nothing was going to happen and the bombs were deactivated

So he opted for phase 3
" activate the magic necklaces"

Rok Soo smirked knowing he deactivated then all but then he heard beeping he turned around and realized he had forgotten to take the necklace off of Cales neck

He yanked the necklace off and threw it into the air and it blew up

Everyone was shocked more screaming was heard

Redika was pissed as all of his plans were backfiring

That's when he said
" I guess this one was a failure"

This one Rok Soo though what the hell does he mean this one

Redika made a movement and 2 men jumped

Rok Soo was confused

Why are there less bombs than in the novel?

Why is there more people attacking ?

What is the motive ?

And what does he mean " I guess this one was a failure" ?

Rok Soo was confused until he looked at the 2 people jumping into the plaza and realized

Suicide bombers

It was as if time stopped and Rok Soo had to make a choice

Will he escape with Cale and let everyone deal with the plaza alone or will he save them all

Rok Soo saw Cales friends trying to get both Cale and himself out of harm's way

If he didn't do something they could lose body parts or worse die

And he made his choice

There was a flash seen through the plaza

The explosion went off and many people screamed thinking of all the people that had just lost there lives due to explosion

In the middle of all the chaos there was a bright light as if containing the explosion

Many gasped at the sight of the giant white shield that covered the whole plaza

Many were unsure of who made the shied that had just protected so many lives

They were shocked when they saw Kim Rok Soo with his arms in the air and a string of light that looks as if it is coming from his hand, and connecting to the shield

Next to him you could see Cale was covered under his friends as if they were protecting him

Many whispers were heard

Rok Soo looked behind him, and was grateful for the people who was protecting Cale

As this all happened Rok Soo was glaring at Redika

How dare he try to kill Cale?

For that, he must pay the ultimate price

His life

As this all happened Redika summoned his mages to attack Rok Soo a battle broke out Rok Soo , who was using his sword to defend everyone ordered Cale and everyone else to move away from the spot as he took care of the enemy

But sadly, he didn't realize when Redika got through his defenses and was approaching Cale

" ahhhhh"

Rok Soo heard of familiar scream, and looked up in the sky just to see Cale being held up in the air by Redika

"Cale!!!" Rok Soo screamed in horror as he released that cale had been taken from right under his nose and he didn't realize

Another voice was heard and it was non other than Rosalyn

Choi Han was seen on the other side of the plaza worrying about Rosalyn

Rok Soo was pissed

How the hell did this happen ?

What the hell am I supposed to do ?


Thank you for reading this chapter and please comment your ideas for other chapters

Love you all

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