Chapter 47

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Warning this chapter may be uncomfortable to some readers so viewers discretion is advised


Time 8:00 am

60 minutes until plaza incident


It was now 8:00 just one hour until many lives will be lost

And that worried Cale but not as much as it should as it was like Cale could care less about all of there lives

The only people he cared about were his kids and Rok Soo and his friends

Everyone else

There was nothing and he wondered if that mad him a bad person for that

He knew people were going to die but he just didn't care

That's when Cale thought back to 3 years ago when he still went to the capital for events and he still had his trash persona after the incident with his unborn baby


In the castle ball room a young Cale was seen standing off to the side

He was still in so much shock of what happened he didn't know what to do anymore

All he did was rub his now flat belly

He didn't even want to be there but he was forced to by his father

A group of nobles came over to Cale and said

" well well if it isn't you master Cale"

Cale glanced at the group and roles his eyes then scoffed and stared walking away

He wasn't in the mood for there bull shit today so he wanted them to leave him alone as he had no idea what he might do to them

As he walked away one of the boys grabbed his wrist and said
" wont you join us for a drink"

" no" Cale replied pushing past the boys trying to get to the exit

" oh come on just a few drinks"

" ya just a few we wanted to get to know you more"

The boys said trying to convince him he knew it was all bull but played along as he wanted something to numb the pain he was feeling

And one drink turned into 2 then 5 then 10 it eventually went up to 37 drinks and Cale finally felt numb

He wasn't drunk

But his drinking companion s were unconscious

Cale took one last shot and walked out of the castle

At a very young age Cale learned that the world is a cruel place

He learned people are shallow and will claim they care about you but won't

He learned very young that in this world the pretty and the rich will survive and thrive

But will trample on the poor and the " ugly"

But "lucky" for Cale he fit into both categories both pretty and rich

But we're dose this land you

I lands you in the clutches of the strong

Cale hated the world so much be hated all of them

A memory popped into his head one he wished he could forget but it tough him an important lesson don't realize on anyone but yourself


" help me please help" a voice called out begging someone to help him

"Shut up" another voice was heard as he slapped the young boy

"No don't touch me"

The sound of clothing ripping was heard


Multiple voices of people was heard



"Please save me"

The voice begged but he saw the passer byes did nothing to save him

So he went into fight or flight mode and his mode went blank

" young master Cale are you okay" it was Rons voice as he turned into the alley way and was shocked at what he saw

Dead bodies everywhere blood trickled down the walls 2 men lot's their heads and the other 2 were burned to a crisp

The 4 men were now unrecognizable but one thing was for sure all 4 of them were dead

What was more shocking was a 11 year old Cale sat in the middle of the alley and was covered head to toe in blood

No questions were asked that day and the good thing  was that they where killed before they could touch him


Cale shock his head wondering why he remembered that as he walked the streets

A group of gangsters stopped Cale and said
" hey there beautiful want us to show you a good time"

"Move" Cale said irritated

" come on let's have some fun" as he reached to touch Cale his head flew off of his shoulders

Cale looked at the rest of them and said
" you want to be next"

They all ran away screaming

Good for nothings were Cales last thoughts as he went home


Cale was snapped out of his memory by Rok Soo

Cale smiled at Rok Soo as Rok Soo had always been the for him and he is someone he can keep his guard down around

That's why he had to protect Rok Soo no matter what


Thank you for reading this chapter and please comment your ideas for other chapters

Love you all

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