Chapter 65

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The children huddled together thinking of a battle plan and Cale laughed at his children's innocence

He subconsciously rubbed his flat belly thinking back to the 2 babies he had lost

It mad him sad that he called as a mother twice already so he wanted to be a good mother the the 4 children in front of him

He doesn't want anything to happen to these children and he wants them to be safe and sound not matter what

He also didn't want the children to know the effects of war but what Rok Soo said was right War stops for no one nor does in exclude anyone .Whether it is a man or a woman old or young . No one is excluded from the burden of war and death. Cale new this all to well as the children already have been through so much from abuse to almost getting killed these children suffered. So he wanted to be able to train them so they could continue to fight like they had been all there life as well as just like what he had been doing all his life.

Though Cale and his father made up there was still a rift between them

He never wants to have the same relationship he had with his father to manifest into the relationship he had with his children now.

Cale shook his head ignoring the useless thoughts that plagued his mind

And look at the kinds and smiled

" okay now your hour is over come at me with everything you got" Cale smirked

The kids got into formation and got ready to attack

Cale got into position

There was a brief moment of silence before all of the kids attacked


"It was very kind of the young master to give us a place to stay especially somewhere big enough for my siblings to be able to play and fool around. On top of that he also hired help for us when we are busy going after the secret organization" Lock said with a smile

Choi Han was spacing off

He couldn't understand what Cale was planning

Choi Han had assumed Cale was an ass but his actions contradicted his thoughts

He couldn't understand why, but he had a gut feeling that Cale had a legitimate reason to hate Harris village

" I wonder why he insulted Harris village" Choi Han acts out loud kind of absent mindedly

" maybe it's the fact that his mother was killed there" Lock responded as if the question were directed at him

Choi Han neck nearly snapped at the speed he turned his head to look at Lock his face full of disbelief

" what do you mean his mother was killed there?" Choi Han responded face full of shock

" well while I was going through my first berserk transformation I heard Master Cale and Rok Soo say some thing about young master Cale mother, getting killed by a few kids in Harris Village. And instead of admitting their mistakes, the villagers tried to cover it up. But then again, I could've heard wrong." Lock said confident at first and then having a look of confusion on his face.

Choi Han was stunned

His mother was killed there impossible. There was no way right the villagers were is so kind. And they treated him kindly that's when it hit him.

The villagers weren't ever actually kind to him. It was as if they were just dealing with him.

That's when it hit him hey forced him to do manual labor, and many other things. Such as fighting, wild beasts, making him go into the forest alone, and on top of that when he first got there, they never taught him the language at first.

But at the time he thought it was fine as he was a stranger, so they must've been trying to protect them selves, but it did not explain why, even after three months, they still forced him to sleep outside. Only one person in that whole village was kind to him and it was the old woman that he went to collect the medicine for.

That's when he realized, due to the fact that he hadn't interacted with people in so many years he missed, took their actions as kindness, while in truth, they were just dealing with him and taking advantage of him

Choi Hans head was spinning the revelation shocked him if he was getting used and the villagers were as bad as Cale said they were that would mean he bead Cale up for nothing


Back to Cale and the children

The children sat there all with bumps on their head. They were defeated, utterly defeated.

They thought with all your might, but they were still no match for their papa

Cale smiled a bright smile but there was a hint of smugness in that smile

" come on now this is going to be fun" Cale said smiling

" Noooooooo!!!!!!" The children screamed in unison but there was no stopping there papa now that he was motivated


Thank you for reading this chapter and please comment your ideas for other chapters

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