Chapter 18

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Author's Note:

Alrighty after a shitload of time, here's an update! Thanks for the comments guys! and votes 100!!!

Love you, Emily xoxo

“Don’t worry, Summer, he’ll be back before you know it.” Soda said.

“Sure, but will our relationship be back sooner than I know?” I asked and sat down. I pushed my food around my plate and took a few bites but I wasn’t hungry anymore. I was haunted by the image of Dallas in a jail cell sitting there completely innocent. It’s just not fair. I guess Dallas is too man to claim innocence. I just hoped that someone would man up and get Dallas out of there.

“Summer, he obviously has his reasons.” Two-Bit said with a smile.

“Yes, but why does he need to leave me?” I said.

“You have everything to be happy about, you’ll always have Dallas with you in your heart and Nicole is a part of him.” Darry said.

“I know, I think I’m just in shock right now.” I said. I can’t let this bring me down. Everything will be ok and Dallas will be back sooner than I know. I need to be happy and I can’t let things bring me down even if Dallas is leaving me, he’ll be back and everything will be fine. I told myself.

Dallas’ P.O.V…

The cops drove me to the jail and I was relieved. I didn’t want to be with Summer anymore, I was sick of her getting mad all the time and she wasn’t any fun anymore. I’m not going back to her when I get out, I just want to keep her as a friend but I just can’t be with someone like her. I wish I never got her pregnant, I wish I was still with Sylvia and she would have just gotten an abortion. It was just my luck that I had some pills and grass in my draw, nobody planted it, it was all me. I guess a drug dealer had been staying ay Buck’s and someone was uncomfortable with him staying there all called the cops. I was actually happy now and could breathe, who would have thought going to jail would save me. I made up the crock of shit about wanting Summer to find someone else because I didn’t give a shit.

Summer’s P.O.V…

It had been three months ever since Dallas had left me and went to jail. I held the one and only letter he had sent to me. I read it over again:

Dear Summer,

I lied to you; I never want to be with you again, so when I get out don’t expect us to be back together. It was just easier to lie and now you can’t yell at me. We can be friends I guess since you’re kind of in the gang. As for Nicole, I wish nothing but for her to be healthy and happy, honestly. I don’t love you. I never have and never will. You were fun while it lasted but you know it happens, things change.

Dallas Winston

It infuriated me every single time that I read the letter. Dallas really doesn’t like me, I cried for a long time after I got it, I don’t know why I even thought Dallas was a good guy. Here I am nine months pregnant with his child. I’m due in three days and I’m ready, I’m just waiting for her to be ready. I guess she’ll be Nicole Elizabeth Winston, without Dallas in her life. I looked around my room that was now completed. It had my bed angled in the corner, my dresser against the far wall and the crib near the door with a little mobile on it. It had pink sheets and blankets and a small stuffed animal in the corner of it. I am really excited about Nicole coming but I’m afraid having her around will resurface my old feelings for Dallas. As of right now I’m completely disgusted with him because he completely played me and it really bothered me. Dallas is a lying asshole and I don’t need him. I told myself that I didn’t need him many times a day but it just hurts with him breaking up with me so informally. The door opened and I listened to the sound of someone coming in the house. What the fuck? No one should be coming in my house. I thought as I ran down the stairs.

Everything's Changing- A Dallas Winston Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now