Chapter 13

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author's note:

i know, Ponyboy will act strangley in this chapter and I've gotten some comments on it on other sites sooo, yeah i know. But i luff you awlll!

Emily, xoxo


I opened my eyes and smiled as I felt Dallas’ rough unshaved skin against my shoulder. Last night was fun. I thought and rolled over in his arms. His blue eyes fluttered open and he ran a hand through his blonde hair. “Last night was so much fun; promise me you’ll never leave me.” I said.

I don’t have any plans on going anywhere.” He said his bright white smile flashed and I gave him a quick kiss on the lips. “You know how pretty you are?” He asked. I shrugged. “You make it so hard for me not to pull you into bed with me at every given moment.” He said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes.

I would say that was cute, if it wasn’t so inappropriate.” I said with a beaming smile. It was his turn to roll his eyes.

Since when are you insulted by inappropriateness?” He asked his eyes flashing with mischief.

I’m not, I was just kidding.” I said. I felt nauseous all of a sudden.

My eyes flew open and I felt the empty feeling I get every time I dream up a memory of Dallas. This time I had dreamt of a night before he went to the hospital… before everything became what it is today. We weren’t even a couple then but I was so head over heels for him. Damn you, Dallas, and your bright blue eyes and bright smile and stubborn mind. I should have never fallen for him. I knew he was bad and I was stupid but I couldn’t have helped it could I? I asked myself. I threw off my covers. Damn that nausea wasn’t just in my dream. I fled to the bathroom and puked through my tears. I need a shower. I thought desperately as I heaved again. Pregnancy is already such a bitch. I thought. I stopped puking and stood up flushing the toilet three times. I was sweaty and sticky. I walked to my room and searched through all of my clothes only finding a skimpy leather skirt and a ripped up red tee shirt. My hand touched a rough yet familiar piece of fabric. I pulled them from the back of my dresser and smiled at Dallas’ boxers. I searched again and found a baggy black shirt. I didn’t even know I had these. I thought and grabbed a clean towel and underwear and bra.

I got dressed after my shower and brushed my teeth and hair. I walked downstairs and smiled at everyone as they got silent to look at me. I wondered if Darry told them. Darry looked at me and waved me over as he walked into the kitchen. I followed him and smiled. “I haven’t told them anything yet.” He said. “I thought it’d be better for you to tell them and tell them your choice.” He said. I nodded.

“I’m going to get a job tomorrow. I promise.” I said.

“That’s not what I’m worried about, take your time. I just want you to tell them.” He said. I walked back into the living room.

“Hey.” I said sitting down. Soda’s eyes met with mine and I could see the remorse in his eyes.

“I’m sorry; Summer, about the other day when I yelled at you.” He said.

“It’s fine, Soda.” I said. He shrugged.

“I’ve been here for you all along and now you need me the most and I just abandoned you and that was wrong.” He said.

“It’s ok.” I said. He shook his head. I looked around the room and wondered why they didn’t resume their usual conversations. They were all dead silent their eyes fixated on me. “What’s up?” I asked.

“What’s up!” Two-Bit yelled. “You should be telling us what is up! Am I going to be an uncle or not?” He yelled. I smiled and let out a laugh.

“Yeah, you’re going to be an uncle.” I said. He began jumping on the loveseat he was sitting on. I rolled my eyes.

“I’m going to be an uncle Two-Bit!” He yelled.

“Yeah, you’re not watching my kid alone.” I said laughing and smiling.

“Well, why not?” He asked a sad look on his face.

“You’d give him or her too much sugar!” I said with a laugh.

“Yeah, but that’s my job!” He yelled. I touched my stomach and looked at it. I wasn’t really showing, it just looked as if I had put on some weight. I didn’t like that my clothes were getting tighter and tighter each day. “I can’t believe there is a little baby in there!” He squealed.

“You are such a girl.” I said. “I really can’t believe it either though.” I said with a smile.

“Congratulations, Summer.” Johnny said blood rushing up to his cheeks. I smiled.

“Thanks, Johnny.” I said. Pony was staring at me in disbelief.

“Summer, you’re going to be a mom?” He said.

“Well, yeah, I guess so.”

“I don’t think you should do this.” He said shaking his head.

“Pony, please.” I said looking into his eyes pleading him to stop.

“I’m sorry, Summer, I just think that you shouldn’t be a mom when you’re involved with Dallas.” He said.

“Pony you’re not making any sense. I’m not involved with Dallas unless he wants to be here by my side.” I said.

“Summer, face it Dallas doesn’t love you.” He said and a hurt expression drew across my face.

“That has nothing to do with me having a baby.” I said.

“It’s his baby isn’t it?” He asked.

“So what?” I asked.

“Pony, leave her alone.” Soda said. “She needs us now and you’re going to be there for her.” He snapped.

“Pony, just stop it.” Darry said in a warning tone.

“I always thought I’d be the youngest in the house!” Pony screamed. All of us fell silent.

“Pony, I’m moving out soon, so you’ll always be the youngest in the house.” I said.

“You’re moving?” He asked. “I don’t want you to leave.” He said.

“I have no choice.” I said.

“Why? You have a choice, stay here!” He said.

“The decisions been made. I’m not changing my mind, it’ll be best for all of us.” I said.

“No, it won’t!” He said.

“I’m not moving across the country. Maybe across this side of town at the most.” I said.

“Yeah, sure just ruin this family even more than it is ruined.” He snapped.

“Pony!” We all yelled at the same time. He shook his head and walked upstairs to his room and slammed his door.

“I’m so sorry, Summer, you know how sensitive he can get.” Darry said. I nodded.

“It’s fine, I know this mustn’t be easy on him.” I said. “It’s not going to be easy on anyone but we all have to stick together.” I said. “I just want Pony to accept my decision. It’s not that big of a deal that I’m moving out is it?” I asked. They all shrugged. “Basically, I’ll sleep there and eat there and take care of the baby and then we’ll be over here.” I said.

“Then it won’t be that big of a deal. I can take that guest room and Pony and his emotional self can have his own room.” Soda said. Then it hit me. I had taken over their lives, their rooms, their house, and every single aspect of their lives, I controlled. I felt so bad. I smiled and told myself I would think about it later.

“Yeah, that’ll be good for you.” I said.

“I’m going to go start dinner.” Darry said walking into the kitchen.

A few minutes later, the door swung open and Dallas stepped through. I was shocked. My mouth dropped open. “What are you doing here, Dallas?” I asked.

Everything's Changing- A Dallas Winston Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now